Chapter 2

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(Warning Sexual Content, And Cursing)

"So, how did your talk with Jordan go?" Elizabeth asks. "I lied." I sigh. "What do you mean?" She asks. "I told Jordan Conner is my brother." I said. "How did he take that?" She asks, sighing. I look up at her, and whisper "The usual." She looked upset. "You should go. Joe is waiting for you." I said, while looking out the window, to see Joe standing there. She nods, and asks "Are you sure you'll be okay?" I nod, and she smiles. Then, she leaves with Joe to go to the bar. I look down at my phone to see I'm getting a call from my mom. "Hello." I answer. "Mommy!" Conner yells through the phone. "Hi buddy. How are you feeling?" I ask. "I miss you." He whispers, into the phone. I start to cry. "Don't worry buddy. Mommy is trying really hard to come see you." I explain. "Is Jordan coming?" Bradley asks, who is my older son. "Bradley, please don't start." I say sternly. "He doesn't like us! He isn't even my dad!" He screams into the phone. "He does like you both." I say, calmly. "No, because he doesn't even know Conner is his son!" Bradley shouts. "Calm down Bradley!" I yell. Then, he hangs up. I sigh. "Hey. Is everything alright?" Jordan asks me. "No." I answer. He frowns, but then he gets a smirk on his face. He comes up to my ear, and whispers, "What if I can make it go away?" I blush. He starts to kiss my neck, and I say "Jordan. Please." "Don't talk." He whispers. Then, when he was going to take my shirt off, his brother, Jon, walks in. "Woah! What's going on in here?" He asks, laughing. I blush, full of embarrassment. "I'm going to go take a shower." Jordan says, and  I nod. When Jordan left, Jon came over to me, and asked "Does he know yet?" I shake my head. "I don't know what do. Whenever I bring up Conner or Bradley he seems to dislike them, and he gets angry." I whisper. He nods his head, understanding my situation. "Listen, I'm his older brother. I know basically everything about him. He will be hurt, and mad, but he will understand. I promise. He just needs to here it come from you." Jon tries to explain to me. I nod, starting to cry. "Tell him tonight." He finishes. I look up at him, and cry out "What if he leaves the kids, and I?" "He won't." Jon says, trying to comfort me. "Tell him." Jon says, and he gives me a hug. Then, he leaves. I'm left in an empty room, by myself, with so many questions popping in and out of my head. Eventually, I fall asleep, and I wake up the next morning next to Jon!

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