Chapter 5

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I woke up on the couch in shock. I was a dad? I couldn't be. Or could I be? All I could remember from Lilly's explanation was that Conner was my son, and she had another son, who is named Bradley. I am so confused. I don't know how to process this information at all right now. I decide to go upstairs, and lay down in bed. When I got up there Lilly was sound asleep. But when I laid down she woke up, and she looked shocked. "Jon?" She asks. I shake my head, and whisper "No. It's Jordan." She sighs in relief. "I am so sorry I didn't tell you about Conner, or Bradley earlier. I was just so scared. Bradley's father left when I told him I was pregnant with Bradley, and I didn't want you to leave either. I couldn't take being alone again." Lilly cries out. "I understand. I know how hard this is for you, and your sons. But I promise I will never leave you. Not ever. Or your kids. I love you with my entire heart. And I will always love you!" I reply back to her. Then, she kisses me, and whispers "I love you, too." "Why don't we plan to go visit your family?" I ask. She smiles, and nods. "Then, we have to plan to go visit your family." Lilly replies. I smile, and nod. "Lets get some sleep." I say, and we both kiss each other good night, and go to sleep. 


Donnie was throwing a party before the guys had to go on tour. Jordan warned me about how Donnie's new girlfriend could be. Her name was Maria. She was nineteen, had a hot body, but her attitude was horrid. I was glad Elizabeth, and the other guys were coming to Donnie's party, as well. I decided to wear a black dress, with sleeves cut at the elbows, and with black heels. I kept my hair natural, and down. Jordan wore black pants, a white shirt, and black sneakers. "Are you ready?" Jordan asks me. I nod, and we leave to go to the party. 


I lean closer to Donnie, while we kiss each other. "Come on. We have to get ready." Donnie says. I push him on to the bed, and climb on top of him. "Come on Donnie. Don't be a baby. They won't be here for twenty minutes." I say, biting my bottom lip. "Just relax. You seem really tense." I whisper, trying to be seductive. I start to kiss him, rubbing my hands up and down his arms. He starts to moan, and I think to myself 'Good. I have him where I want him.'  "You know I am going to miss you, and this." He says. I blush. I start to take off his pants, but he stops me. "We can't right now. We have guests coming over. Remember the party?" He asks. I nod. "I guess we will have to finish later." I whisper, seductively, into his ear. He blushes. "By the way baby, you won't care if I invited a friend over, right?" I ask, starting to pout. "Of course not." He answers. "Okay." I say. 


I grab a beer for my friend, Emily. She was a little younger, but she was a close friend. "Hey. So, did you meet any of the guys yet?" I ask, trying to hook her up with one of the guys. "No." She answers. "Well, Donnie, Joey, and Jordan are taken. But their is still Danny, and Jon. I mean of course they are older, but Jon is really sweet. You should go talk to him." I try to explain. She blushes, and says "The only reason you say that is because Jon is my favorite member of the band." I look around the house of guests, and find Donnie. "Do you want me to go ask Donnie where Jon is at?" I ask. She shakes her head, and I sigh. "Look, I understand you are upset about your last break up, but you need to move on." I say, trying to be nice. "I can't. At least not right now." She replies, and I nod my head. I felt someone grab me. I look up, and I see Donnie. "Hi." I whisper, and he smiles. "Hey, Emily. Jon is over there go talk to him. I will be right back." I say, starting to laugh. I follow Donnie up the stairs to the master bedroom. I lock the door, and turn around. He ran up to me, and started to kiss me. "I just wanted to make sure you knew something." He whispered into my ear, while I kiss his neck, and I answer with a "What?" "I will always love you, forever, and ever." He replies. "Donnie, I know that." I say, looking into his eyes. "Are you alright?" I ask. He nods. I bite my bottom lip, and whisper "Don't forget we have to finish our little adventure from earlier." He blushes. I hear someone knock on the door. "Yes?" I ask. "I need to talk to Donnie." Joe says. I give Donnie a hug, unlock the door, and head back downstairs to the party. "What's up?" Donnie asks. "Well, I confronted Elizabeth about her problem. But, she won't eat or anything in front of me. I think she is worried I'll leave her when we go on tour." Joe explains. "Do you blame her for thinking that? I mean we are around many beautiful girls." Donnie says. Joe shakes his head. "You just need to make sure she understands that you love her, and that you would never leave her." Donnie explains to Joe. He nods. Joe heads downstairs, and finds Elizabeth. "Elizabeth, I love you so fucking much, and that will never change!" Joe shouts. "I love you, too." Elizabeth says. Then, they began to kiss. 

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