Chapter 7

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"Is everything alright Donnie?" Maria asks me. "Yes. Joe just had to get some stuff off his chest." I answer. "Are you okay?" She asks. I nod. "Lets get some sleep." I say, and headed up to bed. I lay on the bed, in the dark room, questioning so much. "Donnie, go to sleep." Maria whispers. "I will." I quietly say. I got out of bed around three in the morning wondering what was bothering me so much. I sat on the couch just staring at the wall. "Morning." Maria says to me, while giving me a hug. "Morning."  I say. "Have you slept at all?" She asks. I think to myself if I should tell her the truth or not, and I decide to lie to make sure she wouldn't worry. "I have to go get ready to head to the studio." I say. She nods, while I head to the bathroom to get ready for work. Twenty minutes later I arrive at the studio. "Hey Donnie." Jordan yells to me. "Hi." I say. "You look awful. Are you okay?" He asks, and I just nod my head. We head into the studio, and get ready to sing with the others. "Please don't go girl. You would ruin my whole world." Joe sang, while I try to stay awake. "You're my cover girl." I sang. We were all trying to do a mashup of the songs. I really didn't know how it was going to work, but I agreed to try it. "Don't you know the time has arrived." Jon sang rather loudly. "Baby, I believe in you, and every little thing you do." Jordan began to sing. Danny finally sang "Hangin' tough, hangin' tough, hangin' tough." And we just kept singing our parts to those songs trying to create the best New Kids On The Block mash up. When we were done I saw Elizabeth. "Joe, Elizabeth is here." I whispered. He ran out of the studio so fast, my hat almost flew off my head. 


"Hey beautiful." I say, giving my girlfriend a large hug. "Hey. I brought you guys some coffee." She said. "Great!" I yelled. I told the guys about the coffee, and they ran over. Donnie chugged his coffee down so fast, looking like he was burning himself during the process. "So, tonight I have a special date planned for us. A nice walk on the beach. A little dessert after, if you know what I mean." I said, while winking. She blushes. "That is if you are okay with that. If you aren't we can just watch a movie or something." I whisper, remembering the information I was given last night. "We can decide later." She whispers, while kissing my cheek. "I have to go back inside. So, you can go hang out with the girls." I say. She smiles, and whispers "Okay. I love you." "I love you, too, baby." I reply, while waving goodbye. 


I head up to Maria's house, and knocked on the door. "Hey." She said answering. I waved. "Is something bothering you?" She asked, and I nod. "Last night Ryan called. He said he was mad at me. That he wanted to hurt me like I hurt him. Or worse. I was so scared. I just keep hoping he won't hurt Joe. That's all he told me, but he said he's calling again tonight. I just need to make sure Joe doesn't get hurt." I try to explain as best as I could. "Well, what if you can't stop him from hurting Joe? What if he's just kidding?" She asks. "He isn't. Trust me." I whisper. "You should go home, and get some sleep. You look worse than Donnie." She says. "Donnie?" I ask. "I guess it has to do something with Joe. I don't know. He didn't tell me." She explains. I nod. I left five minutes later, and walked home. I got home around three in the afternoon, and decided to take a nap like Maria suggested. I woke up a few hours later to the phone ringing. I answer, "Hello." "Hey Elizabeth. It's Ryan. Don't forget our little plan." He started. "Where am I meeting you at?" I ask. "The park. Remember two thousand was the deal. Or your little boy toy will get hurt, just like you." He whispered into the phone. "Okay. Ill be there at eleven." I say, and hang up. "Hey beautiful." Joe said, coming up from behind me, and giving me a hug. "Hi." I say smiling. "I'm sorry we couldn't go on our date tonight. I promise I'll make it up to you." He says. "It's alright. I understand you are busy." I reply. "What's wrong? You're shaking." He asks. "Nothing." I answer, hugging him. I look at the clock on the wall, and see the time is ten thirty. "Why don't you go take a shower?" I ask, and he nods. When I know he's gone, I head to the park with the money. I sat on a bench, upon the time of my arrival, waiting for Ryan. "Hey beautiful." I hear from behind me. "Ryan. I have the money. Now you have to leave Joe, and I alone!" I yell. "Who said I had to leave you alone? I told you Joe wouldn't get hurt. You on the other hand." He states. "You liar!" I shout. "Get her boys." Ryan whispers. I was grabbed by two strong men. "What are you going to do to me?" I ask. Before he could answer I hear sirens. "What the hell! What did you do?" He yells, slapping me. "Hey bitch! Let her go." I hear someone yell. It was Donnie. "What is going on?" I ask myself. "Maria." I answer myself. Then, I see Joe come from out of no where, running, and punching Ryan in the face. "You are so lucky you didn't touch her." He stated, loudly. I started to cry. The two men, and Ryan were taken to the police station. "Are you okay? Oh my god! Thank you Donnie." Joe says, quickly. "I am sorry Joe. I just want to go home with you. Please." I beg. Joe carried me all the way back to the house, while Donnie went home. "It's okay. I'm here now. Forever. I love you." He whispers into my ear, "I love you." 

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