Chapter 11

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"Joe, are you ready to go home?" I ask Joe, peeking into the bedroom. "Are you guys good?" He asks his friends, and they all nod. He comes downstairs, grabs his jacket, and we leave. "So, did you eat at all?" He asks. I gulp. He looks over concern in his face. "How do I know if you'll be okay when I am gone?" He asks. I shrug. "Something is bothering you. What is it?" He asks. I gulp again, scared to say the truth. "You had an affair before. I know you were hurt, and in pain, and you wanted to reflect your pain on to everyone. I just worry." I whisper. "I know. I'm sorry. I don't want anyone to be in pain. I promise it won't happen again." He says, while hugging me. It took twelve more minutes to get home. I went straight up to bed, and Joe called Jon to check on Jordan. "Hey. So, you remember when Jordan mentioned Katherine?" He asks. "Joe, it wasn't her. It had to have been someone else." Jon said, rather loudly over the phone. "But what if it was her? What if she was pregnant? I can't handle all of this at once! I'm screwed!" Joe yelled through the phone. "Listen, if I ever she her I will find out. It will all be okay." Jon says, and hangs up. Joe sighs, and hangs up the phone. "Are you alright Joe?" I ask. He jumps, startled. "Yes. Lets go to bed." He whispers, and we head up to bed.


I finally convinced Jon to let me go outside for a walk. I stared at the stars, and kept on walking. As I was walking, I bumped into someone. "Jordan?" They ask. I look up, startled. "Katherine!" I cry out. She hugs me. "What are you doing here? Leave me alone!" I yell. I was going insane. "I missed you, and someone else. One of your closest friends." She whispered into my ear. I gulp. "He wanted to forget about pain. He wanted a new thrill, and I gave it to him." She stated. "What do you mean? You are the meaning of pain!" I yell. "I loved you. But you ended up being like her, like Natalie." I cry out. "You should have known better. You're friend did." She said. "Who?" I ask. "I can't wait to see you again. Remember one week." She whispered into my ear. She began to walk away, and she said "Oh, and his name is Joe."

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