Chapter 6

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"That party was a blast!" I yelled. Elizabeth laughs. "Are you hungry, or thirsty?" I ask, while grabbing some water. "No." She answers. I nod. "It's late. Do you want to go to sleep?" I ask. She nods, and heads upstairs. I finish my water, and run upstairs towards the bedroom. She was changing while I walk in, "Hey beautiful." I whisper. "Hi." She says. "You know I'll miss you, every part of you. Right?" I ask. She smiles, and says "Yes." "Maria seemed nice. And her friend did, too." I say, trying to make conversation. "Oh." She whispered. "Don't be like that. You know I only love you." I whisper, starting to kiss her neck. "Joe, come on you need to get some sleep. You have to pack tomorrow." She whispers, trying not to moan. "Hold on." I say, starting to take her shirt off. "No Joe!" She yells. "What the hell?" I ask, rather loudly. "Your drunk." She tries to explain. "Sorry you fucker. But you're not my mother." I say, trying to calm myself down. "Joe, you promised me, you wouldn't do anything to me unless I was ready. You promised me!" She yelled, starting to cry. "Why? Why won't you let me already?" I ask. "I was raped." She whispered. "What?" I ask, calming down. "Ryan raped me." She explained. "That son of a bitch. I am going to kill that fucker tonight!" I scream, grabbing some clothes, and heading downstairs. "No Joe. It's not worth it. Please. I promise I am fine now. He is leaving me alone now. He promised after that night, that he would never come near me again." She explains. "Did you tell anyone else besides me about this?" I ask. "I told Donnie." She whispers. "So, you told Donnie before you even told me. Why the fuck is Donnie so fucking important? I should be one of the first people you tell." I say, trying to not hit anything. "I'm sorry." She says, starting to cry, "Please. Don't leave me." "I need to take a walk to think about this." I say, and I grab a coat, and head outside. "I can't believe she told Donnie. I can't believe Donnie didn't tell me." I whisper to myself. I decide to walk over to Donnie's house, and confront him about the situation. I knock on the door, and Maria answers. "Oh, hi Joe. Come inside." She says, while letting me in. "I need to talk to Donnie. It's important." I say, sitting on the couch. She nods, and leaves to go get Donnie. "Hey Joe. What do you need?" Donnie asks, while sitting next to me on the couch. "Elizabeth told me some awful news. She told me she was raped, but the funny thing is she said that she told you first.Why the fuck would she tell you first, and not her own fucking boyfriend?" I ask, yelling. "Maria go upstairs." Donnie says. I am shaking with so much rage I can't control myself. "She knew you would react like this. She needed someone who would not get up and leave while she needed comfort. She just wanted you to be happy with her." He tries to explain to me. "I would have comforted her." I whisper. "What I mean is you had that affair with her sister at the time. We were on tour. You were getting drunk a lot. She just didn't need your plate to be getting filled more with stress." He says, explaining more clearly. I nod. "So, you're telling me, while I was away Ryan hurt Elizabeth, and she didn't tell me because she thought I was to stressed out." I said. Donnie nods. "I am sorry you had to find out like this. But there is a reason people tell certain people their secrets." Donnie whispers. "Go home. Get some sleep. And have you, and Elizabeth forget about all the bad things that ever happened one step at a time." Donnie says, while hugging me. I nod, and head home. I open the front door, and have two arms swing around me. "Oh, Joe I was so worried. Promise you'll never leave again." Elizabeth pleads out. I hug her, after shutting the door, and whisper into her ear "I promise." "Can we just lay in bed, and not talk about anything? Just lay there?" Elizabeth asks. I smile, and nod. We went upstairs, and got into bed. I rub her back trying to calm her down, and she asks "Do you want a massage?" "Why?" I ask. "You are going on tour soon. And with all of the stress in your life you need something to help you relax." She whispers. I smile, and say "Sure." I lay on my stomach, while I take off my shirt. She rubs her hands up and down my back. I eventually fall asleep, and I felt her move around a little. Probably turning the lights off, and shutting the windows, and doors to the house. She got back into bed, and we snuggled throughout the whole night. 


"I can't wait to meet your kids." I blurted out, on the plane ride. "Me too." Lilly says, smiling. "Conner really wants to meet you. But Bradley is questionably." She replies. "I hope he doesn't hate me." I say. A few minutes later, the plane landed, and we headed off to get our luggage. "Mommy!" I hear a little boy yell. "Hi buddy." Lilly says, while hugging the little boy. "Jordan, this is Conner." "Hi." I say, while waving. "Hi. I am Conner. Are you my daddy?" He asks me. "Conner!" Lilly exclaimed. "What? Grandma, and Grandpa said to ask." He says, giggling. I laugh. "How about we go home?" Lilly suggests, and we all nod. We find Lilly's parents, and her older son Bradley. It was a quiet ride back to the house. An hour passed, and we finally made it to the house. It was around nine at night. We unpacked our belongings, and headed downstairs. "Are you hungry?" Lilly asks. I nod. A few minutes later, I begin to hear crying. "Wait here." Lilly says, as she runs up to one of her son's bedrooms. I sit their in silence until Lilly returned. "It's alright. It was Conner. He had a nightmare." She explains, and I nod. "So, while I am on tour with the guys, are you staying with your folks?" I asked. "I am not sure yet." She answers. A few minutes later, we headed up to bed. The next morning, I woke up next to Lilly, with Conner. "Dad! I missed you so much." Conner yelled. I laughed. "Do you want to see what Bradley got for mom?" Conner asked me. I nodded. Conner ran over to the dresser, and grabbed some papers, and handed them to me. "Tickets." I reply. "Yes. Those tickets are to go see you. But don't tell mommy, Brad will get mad." Conner says, looking over at his mom to make sure she was asleep. He toke the tickets, and put them back on the dresser. "Let's go eat." I said, scoping him up in my arms, and walking to the kitchen. "Hi. You must be Bradley. I am Jordan." I said. "Hi." He blurts out. "Don't mind him, Jordan. He has been through a lot." Lilly's mother whispers to me. I nod. "Would you like some coffee?" She asks, and I reply with a simple "Yes." When Bradley left, I asked Lilly's mom "What is wrong with Bradley?" She sighs, and says "He found out his girlfriend cheated on him with his friend. So, he fought his friend at school, and he got detention. I think he is just upset everyone is leaving him. And it doesn't help when new people come into his life, and then leave again." "Oh, that's rough." I whisper. "Good morning." Lilly said, while walking into the kitchen. "Hey." I say. "So, I figured we could go see your family after your tour." She says, and I nod. "Hey, if you don't mind I am going to go talk to Bradley." I reply to everyone in the kitchen. They all just nod. I go upstairs, and find Bradley's bedroom. I knock. "Who is it?" He whispers. "Jordan." I answer, while walking in. "What do you want?" He asks. I shut the door, and say "You can talk to me. I understand what you are going through." "No. You don't understand. Your life is perfect." He says, beginning to cry. "My life is far from perfect buddy. Trust me. Just tell me what happened." I say, sitting next to him on the bed. "She cheated on me. All this time. For two years. How could I have not known? And the worst part she cheated on me with my own friend. What's wrong with me?" He yells, madly. "Nothing is wrong with you. She just wasn't the one. I promise you'll find her. Trust me." I say. He starts to stop crying, and looks at me. "I'm sorry dad. I hurt you, and mom, and everyone. I am sorry. I don't hate you. I love you." He cries out. "I love you, too, son." I say while smiling, and hugging him. "I love you, too." 

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