Chapter 12

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"Nice show everyone!" I shouted, walking back to the dressing rooms. "Yeah. It is amazing." Joe says. "Hey, how about we all go out to the bar tonight?" I suggest. "I'm in." Donnie says, running up behind us. "We'll go also." Jon, and Danny say, together. "Joe?" I ask. "Yeah. Sure. I'm in." Joe says. "Great!" I yell. I walk into my dressing room, and grab a towel. I sigh in relief to my excitement throughout the night. Then, I head to the men's bathroom. Twenty minutes later, I hear the door open, and close. "Hey Joe. Is that you?" I ask. No answer. "Hello?" I ask, loudly. I finish rinsing off, and turn off the water. I grab my towel, and wrap it around my waist. I pull back the curtain, and jump from being caught off guard. "Katherine! What are you doing in here? How did you get back here?" I ask, trying to stay quiet. "I have my ways. Besides, I missed you." She said, starting to walk towards me. "Listen Katherine. You seem really nice, and you're good looking,but I have a girlfriend, and you can't be back here." I stated. "I don't think that's the case. You wanted to go out tonight, drinking. You probably would have taken a girl home, and you would have no memory of the incident. I think you are just scared you'll be caught." She said, walking around me. I gulp. "Relax. Nobody will know. It will be are little secret." She whispered into my ear. She walks up to me, and kisses me slightly on the lips. "Don't you want this, or do you just want me." She whispered seductively into my ear. I am beginning to break. I am trying so hard to control myself, but she just makes it impossible. Then, I just give in. I kiss her roughly on her lips, and she kisses me back. She scratches my back with her nails. I begin to take off her clothes, and she takes off my towel. Then, before anything else could happen, Joe walks in. "Hey Jordan, do you have any shampoo I can borrow?" He asks. I just stare at him. "Um, your busy. I'll come back later." He whispers, and walks out. "What was I thinking?" I ask myself. "You were thinking of your needs. Come on. You liked that. Admit it." She says to me. I grab my towel, and whisper "I got to go." I head back to my dressing room, and change into my clothes. "I'll just shower at the hotel." I whispered to myself. I grab my stuff, and place all of it into my bag. I walk out of the dressing room, and find Joe. "Hey." I whisper. "Hi Jordan. So, who was the girl?" He asks. "She was just a fan. Her friends dared her to go find my dressing room. It was silly." I lie. Joe nods. "Are you hungry?" I ask. Joe nods, and says "Lets go find the others so, we can go, and have dinner." I laugh. We find the others five minutes later, and decided to have dinner at the local diner, just down the street. In twenty minutes, we walked to the diner, and ordered our food. "Donnie, that girl is staring at you." I whisper into his ear. He laughs, and says "Don't they always." I laugh, and nod. "Come on guys. They look even if they are taken." Danny pipes in. I start to laugh louder. Five minutes later, our food arrived, and we thanked the waiter. "Joe, calm down." I say, watching Joe choke down his food. "I have to hurry. I promised Elizabeth I would call her up after the show." He replied back. I nod. We all finished our food, and headed back to the hotel. We all said good night, and headed are separate ways to our rooms. I unlock my door, and see someone sitting in a chair, and she whispered "Miss me." 

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