Chapter 9

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"So, are you going to tell him?" Lilly asks. "I guess I'll have to." I whispered. "How long has this been going on?" She asks. "Only a few weeks. To be honest, I am surprised Joe didn't notice earlier." I answered. "Well, I am just happy this hasn't been going on during their entire tour." She replies. I nod. "Do you know when Joe is going to be home?" She asks. "Around eleven." I answer. "You should go home. I'll be fine. I just have to wait two more hours." I say. She nods, and gives me a hug. Then, she left. I fell asleep on the couch, and was awoken by a door opening and closing. "Hi beautiful." Joe whispered to me. I smile, while fluttering my eyes open. "I missed you." I whispered. "I missed you, too." He replies. He kisses me gentle on the lips, and I kiss back. His hands roaming my body. "Hey, are you okay?" He asks. "Better. Now that you are here." I answer. "But you look sick." He replies, sounding scared. "I am fine." I reply. "No you aren't. Emily told me." He says, sounding upset. "I'm sorry." I whisper, starting to cry. "Why would you do this?" He asks me. "You are around all these sexy girls, and you still chose me. I just worry. I want to be perfect for you." I say. He sighs. "You are the most perfect girl I know." He says. I smile. "Your so sweet. I knew their was something I liked about you." I replied, laughing. "Thanks. But you need to promise me you will eat now. Please." He begs. I gulp, and nod. "Thank you beautiful." He says, as he hugs me. I hug him back. "So, how long is break?" I ask. "One week." He answers. "How about we go out to eat?" He asks. "What place is open this late?" I ask. "Donnie's place. All of the guys are going. How about we go?" He suggests. I smile, and nod. "Let me go change." I reply. "You look fine. We are just going to Donnie's place." He says, while laughing. Then, we walked down to Donnie's house. 


I kissed Donnie's cheek, very gently, while he grabbed a beer. "I missed you." He whispered into my ear, while hugging me. "I missed you, too." I reply, smiling. "The guys are going to be here any minute now." He replies. I nod. "Donnie, are you here?" Danny asks. "Hi, you guys!" Donnie yells from the kitchen. "I'll be right back." I say, and he nods.


"Hey everyone." I say. "Hey. Do you have any beer?" Joe asks. I nod, and go grab some. "Jordan." Lilly starts, but she stops. "It's fine. I won't hurt you." Jordan whispers. "Okay you guys. Here are some beers." I say, handing them out. An hour later, there was music blasting, trash thrown every where, and everyone was dancing. Danny, and Jon invited two girls over to join them. Jordan, and Lilly are making out on the stairs. Joe, and Elizabeth are drinking in the kitchen, Jon, and Danny, and their dates are dancing. And I am just standing around waiting for maria to come back. "Where the hell is she?" I ask myself.


"Hey Elizabeth. I'm going up to the bathroom. I'll be back in a few minutes." I say to Elizabeth, loud enough for her to hear me. She nods. I walk up the stairs, trying not to hit Lilly, and Jordan on the way up. I went to the bathroom, and when I walked out Maria was standing there. "Hey Joe. You remember our deal, right?" She asks. I gulp. "That deal was years ago. It doesn't matter now." I blurt out. "Can we talk at least?" She asks. I nod, and follow her to the guest bedroom. She shut the door, and locked it. "I thought you just wanted to talk?" I ask. She turned around with a knife in her hand. "Listen you little bitch. You are going to do what I want. I only dated Donnie to get closer to you. And the worst part was you knew that, and you didn't bother to tell him." She says to me. She started to kiss me, while taking off my shirt. "Kiss me." She says. I kiss back. But before she could do anything else, someone was trying to open the door. "Shit." She whispered. "Don't say anything." She says. "Who is it?" She asks. "It's Donnie. Is everything alright?" He asks. "I'm okay. I just had a headache." She replies. I sigh. "Have you seen Joe?" Donnie asks. I gulp. "What am I going to do?" I whisper to myself. 

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