Chapter 14

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"Good morning." I whisper into Elizabeth's ear, wrapping my arms around her waist. "Morning." She says, while melting into my arms. "I missed you so much." I say. "Me too." She whispers. "How are you liking the vacation?" I ask. "It's beautiful here. I love London." She says. "Good. I'm glad you're enjoying the vacation." I respond. "Are you alright?" She asks. "Yes. Why?" I ask. "You just seem different. That's all." She answers. I nod and say "I'm fine. I promise." She smiles, and turns around and hugs me. "What do you want to do today?" I ask. "Can we just stay in today. I just want to have you to myself." She replies. I laugh and nod. Truthfully, we have had a busy week. Between sightseeing, and shopping. I'm literally exhausted as much as when I am on tour. I yawn, and stretch my arms above my head. "You should upstairs, and relax in bed. You need this vacation more than I do. I'll bring you some coffee." She says. I smile and kiss her gentle on the lips and head upstairs. I hear rambling of cups in the kitchen while I walk up to the bedroom. I lay down in the bed, and close my eyes. Suddenly, I felt a hand rub the hair out of my eyes. I flutter my eyes open and smile. "Hi love." I say. "Oh, I'm sorry for waking you up. You looked so peaceful. I brought up some coffee, and eggs." She said. "Thanks." I say, while grabbing the plate full of eggs. I took the fork and devoured the eggs. She laughs. I watch her eat her eggs slowly, and sigh. I took a sip of the coffee, trying to read her thoughts. "What?" She asks. "Nothing. I'm just trying to read what's in your beautiful mind." I reply, chuckling. She smirks. "Oh, come on. You know what's going on in my mind." She replies. I smirk and pull her down to my mouth, kissing her passionately. Then, the magic began. 


I lay in the hotel bed, sighing. "What's wrong?" She asks. "I'm just wondering why we had to go on vacation here." I say. "I thought you would like Rio. A bit of a change." She says. "I do, but Donnie, and his little lover came with us." I say. "Don't call her that. She has a name." She says. "Since when are you fond of her?" I ask, shocked by her outburst. "I'm not, but Donnie is. I like Donnie so much as a friend. I don't him to be offended. That's all." She explains. I nod. "I'm going to go grab a shower." I whisper. She nods, and I start walking towards the bathroom. I shut the door behind me, and locked the door. "I'm just happy we aren't in London." I whisper to myself. Suddenly, the door handle begins to wiggle. "Jordan, are you alright?" She asks. "I'm fine." I say, gulping. "Why did you lock the door?" She asks. "I just want to be alone for a little bit. That's all." I answer, trying to not sound like a dick. "What's in London?" She asks. "Oh, shit! She knows. What do I say?" I ask myself, trying to be quiet. "What?" I ask, trying to sound confused. "You got a call. Your phone said the call was from London." She explains. I gulp, not knowing what to do. "It's probably just a wrong number." I respond. I figure she accepted my answer, because there was no reply after that. Then, I heard talking. "Hello. Who is this?" She asks. I figure she's just on her phone, but then I hear "What do you mean? A mystery girl!" Then, a heard a loud slam, and a dreadful silence. 

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