Chapter 13

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I unlock the door of my hotel room, and throw my shirt off. I walk to the phone, and call Elizabeth. On the third ring Elizabeth answers. "Hey beautiful." I reply. "Hi. How was your concert?" She asks. "It was amazing. I almost fell into a fan, and she freaked out. But she freaked out in a good way. She tried to pull me down on her." I answer, laughing. She starts to laugh. "I was going to wait to tell you, but I got a ticket for you to come to a concert. I miss you so much." I blurt out. "Oh my gosh! For real. I am so excited Joey. I miss you, too." She replies, ecstatic. I laugh. "You're cute when you're happy." I choke out of my laughter. She giggles. I heard music in the background. "What are you listening to?" I ask. "The Beach Boys." She answers. I laugh. "What is so funny?" She asks. "Since, when do you like the Beach Boys?" I ask. "Since, I was younger. My father liked them. I just rarely listen to them." She answers. I yawn. "It's late. You should get some sleep." Elizabeth says. "Alright. I'll mail the ticket to you tomorrow. I love you. Good night." I blurt out, trying not to yawn. "Good night. I love you." She replies, and then, she hangs up the phone. I hang up the phone, and walk to the shower. I got undressed, and into the shower. I started to think about the girl that Jordan was with backstage at the concert. Why did she look so familiar? It couldn't be her. Could it? I wiped the memory out of my mind, and got out of the shower. I grab a towel, and walk over to my pile of clothes. I put a pair of underwear on, and shorts, and jump into bed. I shut my eyes, and fell into a gentle sleep.


"Emily! What the hell are you doing here? Get out before I call the police!" I demanded. She sighs. "I just wanted to tell you I'm going to London for a while. So, you don't have to worry about seeing me." She says. I cross my arms. "I am serious. I am going to London. Goodbye Jordan." She says, while giving me a hug. "Bye." I reply, while I shut the door behind her. I get undressed, and grabbed some pajamas. I slipped the clothes on, and slid into the hotel bed. "Finally, I am free. Free of that horrible memory. Now I can focus on the tour, the guys, and my family, which includes my girlfriend." I laugh out. I yawn, and set my head on the soft pillow. I shut my eyes, and fall into a peaceful night's sleep; one I haven't had in a few days.


Once I got back to my hotel room I got a quick shower, and put on some underwear. I grabbed the phone, and called Maria. "Hey love. How are you?" I ask. "Hey Donnie. I am good. How are you?" She asks me. "I am wonderful. The concert was amazing. Then, we all got some dinner." I answer. "That's great!" She exclaims. I laugh. "I just wanted to call, and make sure we are still going to Hawaii on my break." I reply. "Yes we are still going. Everything is booked. I am so excited. Did you tell the boys?" She asks. "Not yet, but I'll tell them soon." I answer. She sighs. "Good night. I love you." I say. "Night. I love you, too." She says, and then, I hang up. I turn the light off, fall into bed, and fall asleep. 

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