Chapter 10

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I watched Jordan as he was talking to a few girls who have come to the party. It was getting crowded. And I was getting so frustrated on how all of those girls were flirting with him, and that he was letting them. So, I decided to go over to those girls, and show them Jordan was all mine. I walked over, and started to rub his back "Hey baby." I whispered into his ears. He gulped. The girls just gave me dirty looks, except for one. That girl looked sad. "Can I talk to you?" I ask. He nods, and says good bye to the girls. I led him towards the bedroom, and locked the door behind us when we went inside. "What is it?" He asked. "Nothing." I answer. "Come on. You don't do that kind of stuff unless there was a reason." He replies. "Can't I just want to have sex with my boyfriend?" I ask. "Not in this way. And you know that." He stated. "Fine! You want to know what my problem is. Those girls were flirting with you." I yelled. "Really. That was the problem!" He yelled. I was starting to get worried. Jordan was still drinking during this entire conversation, so I believe he is drunk. "Listen bitch! I can talk to who ever I want to talk to. You can't control me. I am your boyfriend! I am the man in this relationship! You listen to me!" He screamed, while raising his hand. I started to scream, and before he could hit me someone grabbed me, and held me close to them. "Jordan! Look at me. You don't want to do this. You're drunk. Please. Calm down!" Jon yelled. "Elizabeth take Lilly downstairs, and ask everyone to leave." Donnie replies, while holding Jordan back. "Let go!" Jordan shouted. I bursted into tears, and sat down on the couch, while everyone left. "What did I do?" I asked. "Nothing. Jordan is just drunk." Elizabeth says, while rubbing my back, trying to get me to relax. "No, I mean. This happens all the time when he is drunk. Something had to have happened to him to make him do this." I cry out. I heard Jon sigh. "Something did happen. It was with his last girlfriend. They were fiances. She was awful to him. She cheated. She was abusive. I never understood why he stayed with her." Jon said. "What is her name?" I ask. "Natalie Flowers. You look a lot like her." Jon answers. "And of course, there was Katherine Waters. She was sweet in the beginning, but she ended up being like Natalie. I think Jordan just worries. He really does love you. He tells me everyday." Jon replies. I started to cry tears of joy, and I whispered "He loves me." "Of course, he loves you. You are his entire world. I think because you look like his exes he thinks you are one of them and he wants to protect himself from the pain." Jon explains. I nod. "I am going to go upstairs, and help the guys calm him down." Jon whispers, while he runs upstairs. I nod, watching him run up the stairway. "It's alright. He is just upset. Everything will work out, you'll see." Elizabeth assures me. "I hope so." I whisper.


"Let me go Joe! Now!" I yell. "No, you need to calm down. You are going crazy." Joe says. "Jordan. Jordan, what happen? Who was it this time?" Jon cried out. "Katherine! It had to be her. She was mad at me because of the girls that were flirting with me. She was yelling. I just didn't want to be in more pain than I already was." I cried out, trying to get out of Joe's grip. "Jordan, it wasn't Katherine. She's gone. I promise. She isn't coming back." Jon assured me. I started to cry. "Then, I hurt her. I hurt Lilly. She is gone, too. Everyone is leaving." I cry out. "She isn't gone. You didn't hurt her. She's fine. She is just downstairs. She was just scared." Donnie explained. "Jon, you went downstairs. What did you tell her?" I asked. He sighs. "You told her about them! Why would you tell her? I didn't want her to find out! What the hell is wrong with you?" I scream at Jon. "She deserves to know Jordan. She only wants you to be happy." Donnie stated. "Leave me alone! Get off of me, and leave me the fuck alone!" I scream, and they all left the bedroom.

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