Chapter 8

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I laid in Joe's arms, trying to process everything that had happened. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asked me. "He said he would hurt you. I just wanted you to be safe." I answered. He sighs, and says "I am old enough to take care of myself. I have to protect you." "You are leaving Joe. You are leaving in two days." I cry out. "I had to think of something." "I'll try to get the girls to stay with you some nights." He replies, quietly. I nod. "Joe, I know this sounds crazy, but I want you to be my first. I don't want Ryan, and his friends to find me, and hurt me in that way. I couldn't bare it." I whisper. "Are you sure?" He asks, with a slight tremble in his voice. I smile, and nod. "Kiss me. Fuck me. Love me." I beg of him. And he did.


"Your sons are wonderful." I speak up, on the car ride home. "Our sons." She replies. "They'll miss you while you're on tour. I will, too." She whispers. "I'll call you every time I can, and write to you." I respond, giving her a side hug. We got home around midnight, and I carried the materials up to the bedroom. Then, Lilly jumped on to my back. I fell on to the bed. She landed on top of me. "You know I will miss you right?" She asks. I nod. "You mean the world to me. If you got hurt I could never forgive myself." She cried out. "I'll be fine. I promise. I love you." I say. "I love you, too." She replies. I kiss her gently. "You promise you'll be safe?" She asks, and I nod, smiling. "Do you want a massage?" I ask. She smiles, and nods. I gently rub her back, hearing her soft moans. "It's late. You need to get some sleep." She whispers to me. "Relax." I whisper. Then, she falls asleep. I went downstairs to get a drink of water, but suddenly I hear a scream. I ran up the stairs, and see a guy holding a gun to Lilly's head. "You people thought sending Ryan to jail was going to work. He has more friends, than you." The man slurred. He was clearly drunk. "What do you want?" I asked. He laughed, and moved Lilly's shirt around. "If you hurt her you bitch, you're dead!" I scream. Lilly was crying. She was terrified. "Shh pretty girl. Daddy won't hurt you." He whispered. He grabbed her boob, and my heart was pounding. I was furious. He still held the gun towards her head. Then, his hand lowered towards her pants. "Please stop." She begged. "No." He said. I couldn't take it. My heart pounding, and my palms sweaty. I gulped loudly. I ran towards him, and punched him. But the gun went off, and all I hear is my name being screamed. "Jordan! Jordan!" Emily screamed. My eyes burst open. I was covered in sweat. "What happen? Are you alright?" Lilly asked, worried. I nod, and say "It was just a dream. Go back to sleep." We laid down on the bed, and she rubbed my chest gently with her soft hand. I finally calmed down enough, and fell asleep. I woke up around ten the next morning. I looked over at Lilly, and she was sound asleep. I went to get up, but my arm was being grabbed. I heard a slight whisper of "Don't leave." "Okay." I whispered. I laid back down, and asked "Does Ryan have any friends or anyone that wasn't with him at the time of the arrest?" "I feel like he does, but I don't know. Elizabeth would know more about that than I would. Why?" She replied. I shrugged my shoulders. "I am going to go call Joe. I'll be right back." I replied. She nods, and I walked downstairs to the phone. "Hello." Joe answers on the third ring. "Hey. It's Jordan. Can we talk?" I asked. "Sure." He answers. "Ryan has friends. Probably a lot. I need to know if any of them would go after any of us or the girls." I replied. He sighs, and says "He probably does, but Ryan is in jail. They wouldn't be stupid enough to go after one of us or the girls. Why do you ask?" He asks. "A dream I had." I answer. "Listen, I have to go. I have to hang out with Elizabeth before the tour. Bye." He says. "Bye." I reply, and hang up.

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