Chapter 15

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(Elizabeth's P.O.V.)

I cleaned up the dishes after we finished eating our breakfast after sex. "That was delicious, both options you gave me," Joe said while smirking. "You're welcome," I said. I brought the dishes to the sink and cleaned them. "So, how about we just stay in our pajamas, and watch movies today so we decided we are going to stay in," Joey suggests. I smiled and agreed. "Alright. What movie should we watch first?" I ask. "How about any of the Batman or X-Men movies?" He suggests. I decided on Batman first. While Joe found the movie and set it up, I changed into new pajamas, then he changed into new pajamas, too. I looked outside, watching the rain while the movie went through the previews. "You look better than months ago," Joe commented. "I am trying for you," I stated, while my eyes stayed glued to the screen. "I'm proud of you. You know that, right? Every time you accomplish a goal for that, I am ecstatic." Joe said, smiling. "I know, baby. I am so happy to have your support and you in my life." I said, while kissing him on the cheek. After the Batman movie ended, I chose the Blue Lagoon to change the pace and style of the movie. "Want some popcorn and soda?" Joe asks. I nodded, and he got up to get the popcorn and soda for us. When he came back, I snuggled into his chest, and we slowly ate the popcorn and drank the soda so they would last for the whole movie. I heard my phone buzz. "Who is it?" Joe asks. "Lilly. Let me see if what she messaged is important." I respond while grabbing my phone. 'Who is this mystery girl? I thought I could trust Jordan! I just want my kids to be happy and safe. When the boys go back on tour we can talk about this. I just needed to type so I could vent.' I sighed. "Let me just reply so she doesn't think I am ignoring her." Joe nodded while making more popcorn, and grabbing more soda. 'We can for sure talk when we see each other when the boys are on tour. I'm sorry about all of what is going on.' I typed the message out and hit send. Then, we chose Blades of Glory to watch a comedy. While the movie was playing we slowly started to fall asleep. I moved the glasses for the soda, and the bowl for the popcorn on to the counter. I laid back down into Joe's arms and we fell asleep while the rain hit the window and the movie played lightly in the background. 

(Maria's P.O.V.)

"So, what is this deal you had with Joey?" Donnie asks me barging into the bedroom. "It was a deal we made a few years ago. Nothing important." I blurt out. "Well, Joey told me what happened while we were on tour. So, I suggest you tell me what this deal was." He says while shutting the bedroom door. I sigh and stood up. "The deal was he would hook me up with one of you gentlemen from the band so Joey and I could hook up. And before you ask this was before he met Elizabeth." I explained. "So, you don't love me?" Donnie asks. "No." I laugh out. "I never loved you. Not ever. I didn't even care about Joey. It was just a fling with him that grew with the deal." I explained. "I want you to leave!" Donnie exclaims. "I expected as much. I will pack everything now and leave." I say while grabbing my suitcases. I packed everything I owned that was at Donnie's place. I put everything into my car, and waved goodbye to him. I got in my care, and left Donnie and the band behind. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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