Chapter 3

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(Warning Cursing) (JOEY'S P.O.V.)

I wrap my arms around Elizabeth's small body. She looks so peaceful in her sleep. I rub my hand gently across her cheek. She moves a little bit. "Don't worry. It's alright. I'm here." I whisper. I hear a knock on the bedroom door, and someone say "Joe, it's Donnie." "Coming." I say, trying to be quiet. I kiss Elizabeth's cheek, and put on a pair of shorts. I walk downstairs to Donnie. "Hey. Sorry to bother you buddy. I just wanted to talk to you about the situation you are in." Donnie explains. I nod. "Did you tell her?" He asks. I shake my head. "I can't. We are finally happy again." I cry out. "Joe, she needs to hear it from you. And if you don't tell her I will." Donnie says, sternly. I nod, frowning. "She'll understand. You were unhappy, and lonely." Donnie says, trying to soothe me. "That's no excuse." I whisper. "Joe, what's going on?" I hear Elizabeth whisper. I turn around in shock. "Nothing beautiful. Go back to sleep. I'll be up in a minute." I say. She nods, and goes upstairs. "Donnie, please go. I'll talk to her later. I promise." I say. He nods, and leaves. I go upstairs, and get in bed. "What did you do that you don't want me to know?" She asks, shaking. "Nothing." I answer. "Please don't lie to me." She pleads, "You promised me." I sigh. "The guys, and I are going on tour sooner than we expected to." I explain. She sighs. Then, we go to sleep. I woke up to a knock on my door, and I go downstairs to see who it was. I look through the peephole, and see Ryan, Elizabeth's ex-boyfriend. I opened the door, and stood there. "What the fuck do you want?" I scream. "Elizabeth called me earlier, and said you did some pretty bad things to her. So, I came to take her back." He answers. I shake my head, and just keep screaming "No!" That is until I am awoken from my sleep. "Joe! Joe!" Elizabeth yells. I woke up, full of sweat, and tears. "Are you okay?" She asks. I nod my head. "Are you sure?" She asks. I nod my head again. "Do you want to talk about it?" She asks. I whisper "No." She nods her head, understanding my feelings at the moment. "Go back to sleep. I promise I'm fine." I say, and she goes back to sleep. I lay their trying to figure out what to do. Should I tell her? Would she leave if I did? I just don't know.

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