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A loud thud coming from the next room from me woke me up out of my sleep. I quickly sat up and looked around my dark room listening for anymore suspicious noises. Once I realized it was quiet I rapidly got out of bed and ran towards my sister room that was next to mine.

I opened her door looking around before spotting her. I covered my mouth to muffle my laughter from the sight.

She was laying on the floor still wrapped in her covers rubbing her back and staring at the ceiling .

She noticed me then growled at the fact I couldn't hide my laughter anymore.

"Get the fuck out of my room!" She yelled. I bent over in laughter not being able to hold it.

"You ought to be lucky im in here concerned with your well being, little bitch." I said through laughter. I pushed away tears that were coming from me laughing so hard.

She got up throwing her covers back on her bed and walked towards me pushing me out of her room then closing her door. I knocked lightly before putting my ear to the door.

"Aw come on Ang, how you mad at me cause YOU fell?" I laughed trying to jiggle her door knob. After I noticed it was no use I just walked away.

Before I could go into my room I came face to face with my egg donor. "What's all that commotion?" She asked acting concerned. I squinted my eyes at her not replying on purpose.

She rolled her eyes then sighed before walking away with her cup of coffee headed towards her room that used to be my grandmother's.

I rolled my eyes before walking back into my room. I heard my phone ringing from under my pillow as I entered and lunged for it.

"Hello?" I said. The line was quiet for a minute before I heard a sound of yawning and stretching.

"Hey baby, what are you doing?" My boyfriend, Ant asked.

I smiled hearing his sleepy voice and laid down with the phone to my ear.

"Just laughed at Angel's clumsy ass, you was still sleep?" I asked checking the time seeing it was 11:30 in the morning.

"Yeah, I usually already be up but I'm off today so I slept in." He explained. I nodded like he could see me as the line grew quiet. He cleared his throat to rid of the silence.

"You want to go to the mall today? Its Saturday and I know you don't want to stay in the house all day." He said. I poked my lips out thinking about it.

"Is there going to be food involved?" I asked. He laughed on the other end and said yes knowing I was very serious.

"Let me get dressed and then you can come around 1:30." I said. He agreed then hung up before we exchanged I love yous.

I laid down again knowing I probably would sleep until 12:30 or 1:00. I slowly drifted back to sleep ignoring my sister's loud music coming through the walls.


"Oooo, babe look at that MK purse!" I screeched with excitement. He mumbled something under his breathe as I hurried over to the display. "I want it." I said checking the price tag.

He looked at me with disapproving eyes making me poke my lip out and bat my eyes. "Pleassseeee, It's only $400." I pleaded. He rolled his eyes before nodded letting me know I could get it.

I smiled widely grabbing it and turning around bumping into some white lady. I moved some hair out of my face before picking up the purse that I dropped. The woman cleared her throat before smiling at me.

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