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Ima skip 10 weeks ahead bc I'm ready for Angel ass to get further in her pregnancy.... I don't like to drag out stories so ima skip time a lot lol 😊


A few tears shed from my eyes as I listened to my baby's heart beat on the monitor. The Dr moved the stick around in the cold jelly on my protruding stomach so I could see it move.

"Yessss today we get to know if it's a boy or a girl!" Tooki screeched. "I get to find out if ima auntie or a uncle." Heaven said being funny.

We all laughed and I wiped away my tears. "So you do want to know what you're having?" My regular Dr who is also my pediatrician said.

"Yeah, I decided I wanna know instead of waiting so I can go ahead and get everything I need." I responded.

"They have unisex stuff so-"

"Lady, we finding out today. Don't ruin this for me! I mean, Us!" Tooki playfully yelled. We all laughed as the Dr started back rubbing the thing on my belly.

"This is where the crotch would be." She said showing me a weird looking part. I winced at the word 'crotch' like who the fuck says that?

"Okay Ms. Santos, it looks like you are having a boy." The Dr finally said after procrastinating. More tears fell down my eyes because I knew that's what Donny wanted.

I was happy either way to be just feeling my baby move around inside of me everyday and growing bigger. Never mind the stretch marks, all of this was priceless.

After awhile we had left the Dr office and was headed to get food at the new place close by. After being seated and ordering our food had come out and we were definitely enjoying it.

"So, how have you been lately?" Heaven asked looking at me. I just smiled and nodded not wanting to say anything to ruin this time we finally had together.

Exactly 8 weeks ago Donny disappeared and I've never heard from him since. The night he disappeared he called me and we talked and he tried to explain to me that he had to leave and he wanted me to come along but he couldn't give me details.

I felt like anything he had gotten himself into I wasn't about to let it effect my baby or my life. He told me he loved me and hung up.

Never heard from him after that.

Since he left me I decided to go ahead and tell my family since I knew that I couldn't do it alone and would be needing their support.

Things got bad and took a turn for the worse. My daddy was disappointed, which he had the right to be, and took everything away from me. He threatened to kill Donny until I told him he left.

Now he's almost definitely is going to kill him.

My family was turned upside down again by Erica. She immediately blamed Heaven and said she was a bad influence on me which caused a huge blow out.

Heaven told her that she was going to move out because she didn't want to hurt her own mother and they got into a physical fist fight.

Which, of course, cause police to be called and Heaven really moved out. She told them of her hidden occupation and stopped giving a fuck about anything.

Nobody really talks to anybody anymore and I'm stuck staying back and forth with Erica and my daddy.

To make matters worse, our grandma's health was rapidly deteriorating. She was showing symptoms of altztheimers and dementia.

"I feel like my life is over and sometimes I don't want to live anymore." I said honestly as I broke down crying.

They both shared looks with each other before looking at me with eyes filled with sympathy.

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