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- the song I added up there is a song by Bahja that relates to this story. Especially the ending with her and her sister talking otp 😂

Continue ....


Heaven laid on a cold floor with nothing but the outfit she wore to two days before still on. She was confused and didn't know what to do or what was going on.

She felt like she had been sleep this whole time.

She couldn't see anything or anyone. Her eyes were open but everything around her was dark.

She had no idea that like 6 people stood around her just watching and waiting. They were trying to come up with a plan and what their next move should be.

"Hello? Is anybody there?" Heaven said semi loudly. Everybody shared looks with each other and giggled amongst themselves.

"I see you're up bitch." A strong and intimidating manly voice said. Heaven jumped as her heart rate sped up.

"Who are you and why am I here? If you want my money you can have all that shit." She tried to reason. Everybody only erupted into laughter.

After that, Heaven realized it was more than just her and that one man in the room.

"Just shut the fuck up and wait until the boss gets here. You'll be alright." A frail and familiar young sounding female voice spoke.

Heaven shifted her body trying to find a warmer spot on the cold tile floor. Her booty cheeks were beginning to feel numb and her thighs were falling asleep which caused them and her legs to feel like static.

She tried to moved around but could barely move which made her realize she was tied to something hard and cold.

"Aye! Stay the fuck still!" A strong voice yelled. She jumped and gasped. She cursed under her breath realizing her heart rate had sped up.

After about a few hours and more than a few conversations and charlie horses later, a door opened and the whole room fell quiet.

Heels tennis shoes squeaked against the floor nearing where Heaven sat waiting and anticipating.

Jessica stood over her and smiled at the sight. She was happy that the little bitch who she had fought and who had left a permanent mark on on her face was now sitting beneath her.

Both literally and metaphorically.

"Wassup, little Heaven." Jessica said with a chuckle. Heaven's hairs stood up on her arms and her neck once she realized who was behind this whole thing.

"Jessica and Anthony..." she said in response. Tears stained her cheeks as a sadness covered over her.

She had come to the horrid realization that she was fucked and it was over.

Jessica smiled from cheek to cheek. It was just her since Anthony had backed out like a pussy but if Heaven wanted to think that she wasn't going to stop her.

At least, not right now.


"It's been two days Angel." Erica said. She sat and stared at me from across the hospital room. I stared at nothing and ignored her.

"Are you going to eat something or not?" She asked. I closed my mouth that I had realized was partly opened. She sighed and went over to the table of food the people had brought bout about 15 minutes ago.

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