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The snow falling slowly and hitting my face caused my face to grow cold and rosey. I sniffled a little feeling myself getting sick. I cursed under my breath knowing I didn't want to be sick right now.

After 10 more minutes , I finally could see Tooki's car slowly approaching as she tried to drive carefully in the snow.

Tooki is my best friend and has been for 5 years. We met my 8th grade year of middle school. We bonded over our love of Nicki Minaj and have been tight every since.

Tooki's real name is Tymani Nickels but she prefers to go by Tooki since she doesn't like everybody to know her first name like that .

"This bitch." I mumbled watching her car come to a complete stop across from me. She really parked on the opposite side of where I stood and really just stared at me.

I stared back at her through her window as she began to blow her horn repeatedly. Feeling myself growing annoyed, I rolled my eyes then looked both ways before crossing the street. Once I tried to open the door seeing it was still locked, I knocked on her window hardly.

She unlocked the doors granting me access. "Damn bitch, you gone break my window!" She exclaimed. I rolled my eyes ignoring her while quickly clicking my seat belt.

"Your broke ass ain't gone pay to get my window fixed." She continued to bitch as she pulled away from the corner slowly.

"Shut up, damn. If you wouldn't have been late then on top of that made me cross the fucking street only to not have your doors unlocked, Maybe I wouldn't have an attitude." I snapped.

She looked at me as we slowed down to a stop at a red light. "Yeah, aight. My bad." She said giving in. I smiled then pulled out my money clutch from my book bag.

She watched me briefly as the light turned green and she pulled off. "I got $300, Lets go eat out somewhere." I suggested. She squinted her eyes turning towards me briefly.

I dropped my smile as we came to a stop in front of my house. "Why are we here?" I asked in an annoyed tone. She smacked her lips putting the car in park.

"Dude, you've been at my house for a week now. When are you going to stop being stubborn and just go home?" She asked. I scoffed at the thought.

A week prior to today Me and my mother got into a huge fight about what I do outside of school, where I "intern" at and the guy I talk to. She told me I could leave if I didn't like her rules, so I left .

I had been staying with Tooki every since that day because her mom didn't care. She loved me since Tooki was annoying as shit sometimes.

"Man, what you tired of me? Some best friend I got." I said roughly putting my money away. "Ughhhh, stop trying to play victim here Hev." She said. "You always act so damn stubborn over the smallest shit." She said cutting off her car.

"Man, I'm tired of her Took. She just coming back into me and Angel's lives but want to dictate some shit. If granny wouldn't have gotten sick she most likely would still be her ass down South." I vented. I placed my first under my chin putting my head weight onto it.

"I get that Hev, but can you please just try to come to a common ground with her? She's your mother and she's trying." She tried to reason. I side eyed her before opening up the door.

"Whatever, see you at school tomorrow." I said lowly. She smiled cranking her car back up. "K, Love you!" She called out.

"Yeah, I love me too." I yelled back crossing the street. She honked her horn before pulling off down the street once I reached the porch.

I breathed deeply as I turned the knob opening up the big wooden door to our house. The smell of spaghetti engulfed my nose instantly making me hungry.

My 17 year old little sister, Angel, was coming down the stairs talking on her phone. "Girl, I don't like he--ohhh look who decided to come home." She picked. I stared at her blankly.

"Maaaaa, Heaven home!" She yelled towards the kitchen.

I snarled my lip at her and attempted to grab her before she quickly moved out of my grip. She stuck her tongue out being all childish as she walked passed my mom who was coming towards me.

"Heavie? Where have you been for a damn week?" She tried to snap. I laughed at her as I began to walk upstairs.

"Don't walk away like I'm not talking to you hija." She said. I looked down at her uninterested in speaking anymore.

Plus I absolutely hate it when she speaks in Spanish like we can't tell she's Puerto Rican. Eye roll.

"If you really cared, you have my number, you would've called. I've been M.I.A for a week and your just now trying to act worried when I'm sitting in your face." I said with humor in my voice.

"I care Heaven. Angel just told me you'd probably be with Token or something like that." She tried to back track. I laughed harder going up a few more stairs.

"Yeah, probably not surely but whatever. It's cool, I'm here right?" I said going fully up the stairs before she could say anything else to make herself seem worried.

I entered my room and flicked on my lights seeing my clothes had been moved off my bed and into my hamper. I heard my door close behind me and already knew who it was.

"Angel, why have you been in my room?" I asked without turning around. She smacked her lips before plopping on my bed.

"I wanted my green shirt with the white words on front and it wasn't in my room. Also, I like sleeping in here when you're not here. My bed isn't as comfortable as yours." She admitted. I rolled my eyes.

"You could've just texted me to ask first Angel. I've told you about that." I warned. She nodded while scrolling on Instagram not really paying attention.

"Hey, Heaven? Cut mom some slack. She's trying, she's messing up, but she's trying. I know its not easy, Im still mad too. " angel said softly.

"Unfortunately though, with grandma sick and in a home, she's all we got." She continued. I glanced at her briefly before shaking my head.

"Nah, Angel. The way I look at it, you're all I got." I responded. She look at me disappointed before just nodding understandingly.

"You wanna help me with this homework shit?" She asked picking up her book from off my dresser. I nodded at her hiding my annoyance.

She knows I hate school but I'd do anything for her. "Come on lil bitch." I said chuckling.

She threw a middle finger then came closer to me with her work. We read it together and begin to figure out the answers to her math work.

After accomplishing the work and trying our best, she left out my room to talk on the phone and I went and showered.

After showering, I turned on my slow song playlist and laid in my bed scrolling on Instagram.

My boyfriend page came up and I seen he had posted some bitch as his WCW , again.

I rolled my eyes extra hard as I debated on whether or not I should say something about it.

I decided I didn't feel like arguing and decided against it. Fuck it, him, and her.

I have way too much on my mind to be worrying about what the fuck and who the fuck MY man doing. - I thought to myself.

I continued thinking to myself before I eventually drift into my sleep not caring about any of it any more.

Have you ever closed your eyes and wished that you'd never wake up?

If you have then that's how I feel everyday of my life. Welcome to what I personally call Heaven's Hell.

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