"Hey Bruce." Harvey said as soon as Bruce walked in. He seemed calm at the moment which was a good thing. Harvey muted the television.
"Harvey, I am so sorry this happened." Bruce replied.
"Hey, come on. It's not your fault."
"Well, I'm sorry anyway."
"I haven't actually seen it yet. They've had me wrapped up this whole time...and numbed beyond belief. Maybe it's not that bad? I mean, my family...we heal quick. Could be fine."
"Hey, I'm sure it'll heal up nicely. You'll have some scarring, but it won't be that bad." Harvey sat up.
"Optimism, right? Scars are cool. Rugged. Manly."
Harvey noticed the flowers in Bruce's hands. "Oh, what have you got there?"
" I uh...I brought you some flowers. Though I see I'm not the first."
"Yeah, well, my mother and my secretary. Every sick boy's dream. The one woman I thought would visit...or at least call...hasn't. Selina's been a no-show. I thought she'd at least come by to congratulate me, if nothing else. Guess we weren't as close as I thought. Guess I can't blame her, the way I look now."
"Well, it's probably for the best to forget about her."
"Wow, I was kinda hoping you'd be a little more optimistic. Maybe you're right. I am glad you're here though. God it's been...infuriating. Just sitting here and having nothing but time to think about what happened. I wish I could make myself turn it off completely. Watching footage of the debate over and over. Look at me, preaching about what a great guy you are while I go and get my...face bashed in. It's easy. Every news station is showing it. Regurgitating the same old sound bites."
"Don't do this to yourself. There's nothing you can do to change what happened. Replaying that moment will only drive you crazy."
"Yeah, I know that. But here I am."
"Trust me. You need to stop."
"I was helpless, Bruce, helpless. I couldn't do anything. Penguin would have just...beaten me to death, right there in front of everyone. He wanted to." Bruce picked up the remote to the TV and turned it off. "Thanks. What they did to Hill. To the moderator...I have to live with that. But you heard them up there...the Penguin and that maniac on screen. This isn't over. I need to stay ahead of them. They're trying to cause discord. That stunt at the debate was just the first step."
"Gotham is in real danger."
"All the more reason for me to stand up tonight and give the people hope."
"Wait, tonight? I thought you were supposed to be recovering."
"My assistant is on her way to pick me up. With the election I was able to talk the hospital into releasing me early. Not that they're too happy about it. All the doctors keep telling me to take it easy, but how can I? Stay in the chair, Mr. Dent. Oh, don't over-exert yourself, Mr. Dent."
"You should probably listen to the doctors. They know what they're talking about."
"Well, I've been a very good invalid, Bruce. Don't worry. But I can't afford to take it easy right now. Come on, you'd do the same in my position. Which is why I won't even try to tell you to not look into those tapes. I know how much you loved your father, Bruce. I know that debate was hard on you too. Finding out your father drugged Esther Cobblepot. Hill admitting to having both of them killed. It's a lot to process. I'm sorry. Just because I keep reliving it doesn't mean you want to."
"This just proves that I never really knew him. He was just hiding who he really was."
"I'm sorry. I know you'll pull through this. Look...I realize what a terrible friend I've been to you. I was so focused on the campaign. I thought distancing myself from you was the only option. I'm sorry."
"Thanks, Harvey...I appreciate that."
"I'll make it up to you. What is that?" Harvey pointed at the window. Bruce turned to look. A bat symbol lit up in the distance. "Batman's symbol? Coming from near the GCPD...that's one way to get the guy's attention."Bruce then got a text from Alfred.
"Do you see it?" The text read.
"Yes." Bruce replied. He put away his phone and turned to Harvey. "Look, I should get going, Harvey."
"What? Already? What else do you have to do? My assistant won't be here for another hour. You can...you can stay if you want."
"It's uh...it's Alfred."
"Is he okay?"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah...he just needs to talk to me."
"Yeah, of course. Go ahead. Tell the old man I said hi."
"Bye, Harvey. You rest up now." Bruce said, leaving.
"Thanks, Bruce." Harvey responded. Bruce shut the door behind him. Once Bruce had left, Harvey picked up the remote and turned on the TV again.

Batman: Hero of Gotham
AksiAfter witnessing the death of his beloved parents in front of his face, billionaire Bruce Wayne vows himself to protecting the good people of Gotham City against evil forces that threaten the city.