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"Dude I have three all VIP access tickets to magcon do you wanna go!?" Julia asked jumping up and down, her spiral curls following her actions.

"What's magcon?" I asked my head hanging off the bed.

She gasped at my question and came up close to my tanned face and Sarah looked at me, then at Julia with the same puzzled look as me.

"Yeah what is, Magcon?" She asked only trying to provoke her.

Julia looked at us and shot us daggers. I turned my gaze to Sarah and scoffed. Julia came even closer to us and whipped me in the face, as well as Sarah.

"Oh my God, you are definitely going to magcon now. I already planned everything for the summer. Magcon is in L.A, and we're going to stay in my aunts penthouse while we're there, for the entire summer! She's in Germany until next year. so just pack a ton of clothes we're going on a vacation." Julia jumped up and down excitedly again.

I sat up and sighed running a hand through my brown curls.

"You didn't even ask us Jules. What if I had plans?" I complained.

"Cancel them." she shrugged.

Her attitude was so irritating but oh well that's what you get when you sign up for a best friend or sister.

"So we're staying there for the whole summer?" I asked not really caring for the answer.

"Yes and our plane leaves tomorrow." She said while scrolling through her twitter.

I looked at her screen. "I didn't know you had a twitter, how many followers?" I asked.

"1.1 million." my eyes widened in realization.

"So even if we said no you would make us go anyway?" I scoffed.

She nodded and smiles at me while Sarah chuckled and packed too, since she lives with me.

"Aren't there like bills you need to pay? This is real life ya' know." Sarah said pulling out a suitcase and tossing socks in it.

"My aunt pays the bill online. she said as long as we don't 'project x' her place, we can stay." Julia confirmed.

"What about my parents did you even ask them?" I questioned.

She nodded her head in annoyance.

"wow Jules, this place is so nice. I can't believe she let us stay here for the summer!" I exclaimed.

"I know, this place is so much nicer than I thought." Sarah agreed.

"yeah it is nice, so don't fuck it up." she laughed.

I was actually surprised at the whole place, there was a spiral staircase leading all the way up to the third floor of the glass penthouse.

"alright guys go find a room and get comfy because we are gonna be here for a while.

"Dude there are so many girls here I don't even think we will see them," I shouted to Sarah and Julia over the screaming fans.

"Don't worry man there is a stage they get on for this exact reason!" Julia shouted.

"Okay whatever I'm out." I said turning and pushing past a bunch of people and to the back of the room where the exit was located.

Taco Bell oh yeah I see you. Hiding behind the building.

When I got there I ordered my favorite, Baja blast. I sat on one of those two people tables scrolling through Instagram, until one picture caught my eye. It was Brent Rivera's selfie at a Taco Bell near magcon. He was with some guys. In the picture three other boys were tagged, Matt, Carter and Cameron. I remember Julia quizzing me and teaching me all about these dudes on the way over here.

I mentally gasped as I thought about the fact that they are at my Taco Bell.

I looked up, then I saw the most amazing thing ever, my Baja Blast was done! Once I grabbed it I turned with my eyes focused on my drink. But I should've been looking up, because I ran into a chest.

"Oh I'm so sorry-" I looked up and saw a familiar face but I couldn't function his name.

"Uh it's cool," he laughed.

I smiled and started to turn around when his hand grabbed my arm and turned me around so that I was facing him.

"Uh can I help you?" I said while tugging my arm away from him.

"Don't you want like a picture or something?" He asked me and I looked at him with a really, really confused look.

"A what, wait why would I want a picture with you?" I asked.

"You are literally wearing a Magcon shirt." He cackled.

My body turned walking away when I heard lots of foot steps running towards me.

"Wait hold up!" a different voice said. I started to run but they caught me and my drink spilled.

"Aww man." I whined.

I looked and to my surprise it was Brent. He looked at my spilled drink and fell to his knees beside it and screamed looking into the sky.

"Why!?" He said that so awkwardly I burst into laughter.

All of the boys caught up to me and asked if I would like to go up on stage with them. I agreed after a bunch of persuading and they took me into a secret room that leads to the stage, I looked up and the first thing I see is Sarah and Julia watching me with wide eyes.
Hey guys enjoy my fanfic yo!!!

oh and I imagine jules' aunt's penthouse to look like the one in the link below. but anoter thing its not as tall as the one in the link, the one that I think about is only the stories high.

yoooooo this is literally garbage I am so so so sorry for those of you that are about to read this, I can't stop you from being fed up with my 2013/2014 grammar. I was very illiterate at the time. forgive me.

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