What the Name Summons

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"Oh, Merlin! Don't be such a bore," complained Morgan.

"He has a point," said Gwen. Morgan glared at her. "I'm just saying, Merlin might be right in thinking that the best way to solve homelessness isn't to go there right now and house everyone in need in your own home. We want to help of course, but there are other ways. You know?"

Merlin and Gwen looked at their stubborn friend with worry. Morgan had an incredible ability to care for people, but often used it in ways that were not always accepted by others. Merlin saw in her his old friend, but could never forgive the heartless monster she had become. He could never forget Gwaine, or the fact that she trained and brainwashed Mordred to kill Arthur. Was this the same Morgana? It was her soul, but was it also a new woman. Merlin remembered when she first realized her powers. He could have helped her, but he said nothing. Could he have saved her? This life was not just a second chance for her, but possibly for him as well. He could help this Morgan where he failed the first. He'd known this woman for close to four months and was no closer to finding answers about her and Gwen's appearance. 

"Merlin? Hello? What's it like where you are?" asked Morgan. Merlin looked up from his reverie and glanced at both girls.

"What? Sorry, I was just - thinking."

"You are always doing that," said Gwen frankly. "You're the most focused person I know, and probably the smartest, but sometimes you are in another world."

"I am," said Merlin dreamily. Camelot. How he missed it. Arthur. Merlin had loved Arthur. He had been his best friend and when he died, a part of Merlin died as well. Even though Arthur had constantly teased him and ordered him around, Merlin knew that he had cared too. Friends like Arthur were hard to come by.

"Merlin, last I remember, we were trying to convince our friend not to open her tiny apartment to hundreds of homeless people. Don't you think that is important?" said Gwen.

"No, let him stay in his mind. You've convinced me. I shall not do anything rash," said Morgan.

Merlin tried to stay engaged, but thoughts of Camelot consumed his brain. The most beautiful city he had ever seen. In the nearly one thousand years since, he had never seen a city as noble or proud as Camelot. He had never seen a king as noble or gracious as Arthur. There were few queens as kind or fair as Guinevere had once been, but now she was a normal girl. A normal girl with normal friends.

Her "normal friends" were none other than Morgana le Fay and, Merlin was positive, Lancelot du Lac.

"Okay Merlin, you have a problem. You are always flaking out and ignoring us. What is it?" asked Morgan with more than a little frustration. Merlin sighed.

"Oh, Morgan. You know that you and Gwen are my best friends. But - sometimes I think about an old friend. He was one of my first friends, and certainly my best friend. He died years ago, and I miss him."

This was the first time Merlin had ever mentioned Arthur in any detail to the girls, and they seemed intrigued. Morgan knew not to push it, but she did casually ask the friend's name.

"Arthur. He was called Arthur."


"Gwen?" said Morgan, applying makeup to her friend's face later that day.


"Why do you think Merlin only just told us about his friend? He's been awfully mysterious about it until now."

Gwen considered this. Merlin was terribly secretive about everything to do with his life before two or three years ago.

"Whoever this Arthur is," reasoned Gwen, "he cared a great deal for him."

"Do you think they were... together?" asked Morgan. Gwen saw right through Morgan's façade and smiled to herself.

"I don't know, but even if they were, he's still definitely attracted to women as well." Gwen tried not to grin too widely at Morgan's relieved face. "Why do you ask?" Morgan made a face at her, knowing that Gwen had guessed her secret.

"Oh, shut up, Gwen. Merlin has every right to have had past love interests. If one was this Arthur, then - "

A giant monster burst through the window of Gwen's apartment.


Merlin bolted upright in bed. He had had a terrible nightmare, the likes of which he hadn't had for over a thousand years. It was a dream about Gwen and Morgana, this time in Gwen's apartment, being attacked by a terrible beast. It had felt so real, more real than -

It was. It was real. Magic had returned.

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