Finding the Druids

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"No!" Arthur shouted. The guard carrying the torch didn't pay any attention. He was lowering the fire to the wood when it was suddenly extinguished. Arthur looked at Merlin in the sqare below, but he looked just as confused as the prince. Arthur looked at his mother. Ygraine's hand was clenched.

"What happened?" he asked her. Ygraine raised her chin proudly like the queen she was.

"He will spend the rest of his life in the dungeons," she commanded. Arthur bit back a relieved smile. Ygraine looked at him sharply, then addressed the square.

"Uther fought against magic ever since a beloved ally of Camelot perished at its hand. He was wrong to kill so many innocents. His death would be a warning against tyranny for a while, but his tortured, meaningless, forgotten life will forever be a lesson to those who defy the very existence of the world. Magic will never be cast aside, not as long as Uther remains in the dungeons of Camelot, a spectacle for all to witness!"

The crowd was silent. Then, someone in the square clapped. Another joined them, and then the whole square was full of applause. Arthur smiled at his mother. She obviously had been regretting her decision, but the support of the people cheered her. Ygraine smiled kindly upon her subjects and raised a hand. They quieted.

"My people, you have always been loyal to your queen. I thank you. Now watch as your fallen king is led to his future!" Ygraine turned and swept back into the castle. Arthur followed her, but she didn't want his company. She went to her chambers. Arthur waited in the hall until Guinevere found him.

"You did it!" she cried out. "Oh Arthur, I'm so proud of you!" He smiled and took her hand. They walked through the castle down to the square.

"I reminded her of what she would be if she killed him," he said modestly.

"Even so, now your parents are both alive," Gwen told him happily. The smile that came to his face darkened when he saw Merlin's.

"What is it, Merlin?" he asked.

"Don't you remember Nimueh's warning?" the warlock responded. "She said that she would find allies to defeat us. There is some danger in this world."

"Always a downer," Gwaine teased, coming up to them. "Can't you just be happy?" Merlin shook his head.

"We have to find whatever we were brought here to fight." Arthur sighed.

"Fine," he said. "How do you suggest we do that?"


Merlin and Morgana rode the next dawn to the Forest of Ascetir, praying the Druids were still living there in this world. As they trotted through a clearing, Aithusa swooped down and landed in front of them. The horses spooked, but the humans managed to stay on.

"Hello Aithusa," said Merlin, stroking his horse soothingly. "Did you want something?"

"You're looking for the Druids, aren't you? Well, I found them!" Aithusa looked so excited that Morgana had to laugh, even though her own steed hadn't yet quieted. "Follow me!" the dragon said. She took off, circling above their heads. Then she flew, Morgana and Merlin looking for her white scales through the canopy. After a few minutes, Morgana called out excitedly to Merlin, who had been using his magic to watch Aithusa.

"Look! There they are!" There they were indeed. The Druid camp was just like the High Priest and Priestess remembered. People in long cloaks walked around, living their simple lives. Morgana urged her horse to the camp.

She dismounted, looking for anyone she knew. A little girl noticed her and ran into a large tent. Merlin halted and landed beside her.

Out of the tent the girl had entered now exited a tall, dark-skinned man. He had a kind face.

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