Home and Friends

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"Morgana, we should be going," said Merlin. Her disappointment tugged at his heart. They had been with Aithusa for almost four hours, and the others would wonder where they were.

"Come back again?" pleaded Aithusa.

"Of course," said Morgana. "All the time. I promise." With this she buried her face in Aithusa's chest scales to hide her tears. Finally she withdrew. "Goodbye, Aithusa. I will miss you." The dragon inclined her head, eyes watering. Morgana couldn't bear more tears, so she turned on her heal and fled the cave.

Merlin said goodbye to his friend as well and departed, carrying a bag of clothes from the cave. When he breathed fresh air again, the witch wasn't outside. He saw with his magic that she hadn't waited for him. She was ahead of him on the path. When he emerged from the woods, Morgana was leaning against the front of Lance's car. The light was already gone, but Morgana stood out. Her green eyes shone through the darkness. Her skin was so pale it seemed to glow. Even her hair was clearly defined. The rest of the world was a dark blue, but her hair was pure black.

"I'm sorry to leave like that," Morgana said.

"I understand." Merlin felt the sudden urge to hug Morgana. It was strange to want this. He wouldn't have hugged her in his early days of Camelot. Sometimes they did, but there were reasons. He was too wary of this Morgana to ask of her anything even vaguely intimate.

Merlin realized that he had been staring. Her green eyes studied him.

"What is it?" she asked.

"Nothing," he lied. He was doing a lot of that. "Let's go."

"I can drive," Morgana offered. "If you want to get some sleep." This quite surprised Merlin, but when she said it, he realized how tired he was.

"Thank you." He fished the keys out of his pocket and gave them to Morgana. He felt proud of himself for showing her trust. Perhaps it would be another weight in his favor against Morgause. He didn't know that she had already chosen.


"Merlin? Wake up. We're here. Merlin?"

"Umhumph," groaned Merlin. Morgana laughed. She pushed him gently again.

"Wake up, Merlin," she said again. His eyes fluttered open.

"Morgana? What are you doing in my room?"

"I'm not in your room, Merlin. We're in the car. Shall we go inside, or do you wish to sleep out here?" Merlin glared at her. She flashed him a cheery smile, to which he sneered.

"Not a morning person?"

"Not when I slept in a car for three hours," he said. "Is it even morning?"

"No," realized Morgana. "Will you just come?"

She had gone to the house the others were talking about looking at first, which had turned out to be the right choice. It had a lovely view of Avalon, and certainly looked from the outside big enough to comfortably house them all.

Merlin staggered out of the car, lugging a bag with him. She sympathized. Morgana held his arm and led him up the stone steps to the huge house. He leaned onto her, which she only attributed to sleepiness. The front door was locked, but she could hear voices inside. Morgana knocked.

"I'll get it!" shouted a voice from inside. The door opened, and Gwaine stood in soft yellow light. "Morgana! And Merlin. Did you get lost? Where have you been? Come in, of course," Gwaine said, stepping aside. Morgana led Merlin in. For some reason, he seemed reluctant to let go of her arm, but he did. The light from old lamps perked him up.

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