Ygraine's Question

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No matter how much she wanted Uther to have lied, Morgana believed that he was telling the truth about Ygraine's love for Arthur. She could see it in the wondering affection with which the queen looked at her son. She had never been a mother before, and it was all new to her.

Yes, Ygraine loved Arthur. Morgana hadn't talked to her enough to know how she felt about her or Merlin. Ygraine's feelings for the knights were obviously not strong. She didn't pay much attention to any of the knights, even her own.

"Hello Morgana," Gwen said, descending the spiraling stairs. Morgana had been waiting outside the doors of the throne room, debating whether to enter. "What are you doing?"

"I, um, n-nothing," Morgana stammered. Gwen looked unimpressed with her excuse. She gracefully stepped down onto the stone floor. The queen had ordered some new dresses to be made, but even the ones Guinevere wore now, hardly better than a servant's, she wore regally.

Morgana had once been jealous beyond words of the thought of Gwen on her throne, but she knew now that she never deserved being queen. What she had wanted was magic to be legal, but Ygraine was doing that, and Arthur would continue once he claimed the throne. Morgana didn't want or need to be the queen anymore. She realized that she finally felt no jealousy of Guinevere inadvertently displaying her regality.

Since first arriving, Ygraine had warmed slightly to Morgana and given her old room at the top of the tower. She had also told the seamstresses to fashion several dresses, but Morgana didn't know the reason for her kindness. It could very well be kindness, but more than likely it was Arthur speaking up for her.

"Are you sure?" Gwen asked. Morgana was jolted back to the present. She smiled carelessly.

"Of course, I'm sorry Gwen. Shall we go in?" Morgana turned back to the big doors, hiding her face so Guinevere couldn't see the worry and anticipation that clouded her features. She pushed the doors open, wondering not for the first time why there were so few guards around the palace.

Ygraine laughed at something Arthur said. It was a carefree, harmless laugh. Morgana knew she could be trusted. She scanned the room for Merlin, and found him talking to Leon and Percival. His face lit up when he saw her, but that might have just been the light shining through the clouds outside. Merlin excused himself from his friends and came over to Morgana.

"Hey," he grinned. Guinevere left and went to her husband and mother-in-law. Morgana smiled back at Merlin.

"I talked to Uther," she admitted quietly. Merlin's eyes widened.

"How did it go?" he said in an equally low voice. Morgana sighed deeply.

"Not as badly as it could have," she told him. Merlin smiled encouragingly. "And he convinced me that Ygraine would never harm Arthur."

"So you're ready to show her the list, then?" Merlin clarified. Morgana nodded and showed him the scroll. Her eyes asked him to come with her, but little did she know that he had already wanted to do it with her.

"Your majesty," Morgana said, curtseying before the queen.

"Yes, Morgana?" Ygraine asked. "And you don't need to bow. You aren't a servant!" Morgana stood and offered her the scroll of parchment. Ygraine unrolled it and studied the names. "What are these?" she demanded.

"Names of people the Druids believe could pose a danger to Camelot," Morgana explained. Merlin was silent behind her, but his presence kept her fear of the queen at bay. Even though Ygraine might not hurt Arthur, there was no promise against her hurting Morgana.

Ygraine studied the list. After a few minutes, she nodded. "Thank you for this," she said, looking at Morgana. "I will immediately start investigating all these names. Tell me," she said. "Why did you ask the Druids for these?"

Morgana looked at Merlin uncertainly. He stepped up beside her and answered.

"Arthur told you about Nimueh, didn't he?" Merlin asked boldly.

"He told me that she told you about where you were," Ygraine answered. "And that she threatened to attack you in this world."

"Because she knew that she could never beat my power in that world," Merlin said. "Which means that she needs some very powerful allies to even come close to the combined power that protects Arthur and Camelot now."

Ygraine's lips quirked into a tiny smile. Then she stood.

"The council will meet in an hour," she announced. "Morgana, with me." She stepped gracefully down from the platform her throne sat on and trailed her long skirts after her as she swept out of the room. Morgana, after a moment of hesitation, followed her.


Ygraine led the younger woman into her private chambers and motioned for her to shut the door. The queen sat at her dining table and pulled out an empty chair close to hers. Morgana took it, trying to hide her intimidation. She must have failed.

"Why are you frightened of me?" the queen asked kindly. "Don't bother denying it, I'm not a fool." Morgana shifted uncomfortably.

"I'm sorry if I have offended you, Your Majesty. I meant no disrespect, I just - "

"Calm yourself, my dear!" Ygraine laughed. "I was asking for your sake, not my own. I do not wish for you to be scared of me. Your brother is my son. If I may, I would like to consider you a daughter." Morgana couldn't help it; she stared. Ygraine looked at her in concern.

"If you don't want to I understand, but it would gladden my heart if you said yes."

Morgana was shocked. Even so, the only thing Ygraine had ever done to hurt her was the near suffocation when they first met. After that, there was very little of anything except polite conversation. Morgana could never have expected this.

"Why? I am the daughter of your husband and your best friend," Morgana said with disbelief. "You have no reason to be kind to me. Why would you want me to be like your daughter?" Ygraine sighed.

"I only just found my son," she said wearily all of a sudden. "A son I never even imagined. His sister is so close to him and his wife and his best friend, I see no reason why I can't adopt her as well." Seeing Morgana's guarded look, Ygraine continued, "I am sorry for how I treated you when you first came. I was just . . . I don't even know."

"I understand," Morgana said quickly. "It's just hard to imagine anyone . . ." She trailed off.

"What?" asked Ygraine, laughing. Morgana tried to find the right words.

"I'm not used to people - wanting to know me. I've become so used to fear surrounding me that it's hard to realize when people reach out. For good reasons." Ygraine looked at Morgana curiously.

"Why do people fear you?" she asked. Morgana breathed in sharply and swallowed.

"Life worked against me the last several years of it. Nothing worked out like I thought it would. I don't want to go into the details, but all you need to know is that this life is my second chance. I still remember the first one though, and all the pain it brought me. Kindness was very hard to come by after I made a fateful decision."

Ygraine didn't say anything, but her face said everything. It was the expression Morgana had always imagined her mother having if she had seen her. There was never a face in her imagination, but now the face was Ygraine's.

Pity was there, and sorrow. Also a tender motherliness in the expression.

"Thank you," Morgana said honestly. "I would love to take you up on your offer." Ygraine smiled and caught her hand.

"I'm so glad."

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