The Knights of Camelot

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When Merlin, Morgana, and Gwen took a cab to Scotland Yard, Arthur and Lancelot took one to the Hyde Park Barracks. They didn't speak much on the way there, and Lancelot only spoke to ask entrance to the barracks. Arthur was fascinated by all the technology around him. As the door slid open, his eyes widened. Lancelot chuckled a little.

"You made it through the cab ride alright," he said to Arthur.

"But, the door!" exclaimed Arthur, trying to keep his voice down. "It didn't open like doors usually do. It just disappeared into the wall! Where did it go? And how did it move without anyone pushing it?"

Lancelot didn't feel like explaining modern technology to someone raised in the Middle Ages. He sighed and let a man lead them deeper into the barracks. Arthur gasped at the retinal scanner. The burly man in front of them glanced back at him looking very annoyed, but continued through another thick door.

"Percy!" he shouted. Is it really this easy? Lancelot thought. An incredibly tall man with bulging muscles headed over. It was Percival! Merlin might have not even been surprised, but Lancelot had only seen Arthur come back so far. He wondered if the others had found Gwaine yet.

Percy looked slightly confused, but he stood to attention.

"Second Lieutenant Ragnall, these men say they know you. Is this the case?" Lancelot prayed that Percy remembered him.

"Are you - Lance?" Percy asked. Lancelot's face broke into a massive grin.

"I thought you wouldn't remember me," he said gratefully.

"Why are you here?" asked Percy formally. He didn't seem either particularly displeased or excited to see an old friend from secondary school. He was polite, if puzzled.

"Well," said Lancelot, "I'm organizing a reunion of our old class, and tracking down everyone personally brought me here. It's not a problem, is it?" Percival seemed surprised.

"Not at all," he said. "I'm actually due for a break - when was it, Major?" The Major consulted a nearby screen, and a look of shock spread across his face.

"It's today," he said, much to the surprise of Percy. Of course, such a trained kni- soldier would never second-guess his commander. Instead, he bowed shortly.

"I will collect my things," he told his visitors and the Major.


Percy joined them in the small room the major brought them to.

"I'm ready to go," he told Lancelot. "Are you?"

"Of course," Lancelot said. Percy lead them out through the front of the building. Their cab had gone, but Percy expertly hailed one in a moment.

"So, who are you?" Percy asked Arthur when they were on their way to Lance's flat in London. "You weren't at school with us, were you?"

Arthur used the response they had already decided. "I met Lance at university. My wife is his sister's best friend."

"You have a sister?" asked Percy, surprised. "I don't remember that."

"Oh yes," said Lancelot. "Morgan. His wife is Gwen. We were friends before they married - or even dated - though." Percy seemed very confused. He seemed to remember seeing on Lance's social media that he was dating someone named Gwen. Percy decided not to ask, because Lance looked slightly sick. Poor Lance, Percy thought. His girlfriend left him and married his friend.


"We just have to stop here for a few minutes," Lancelot told Percy. I hope Merlin gets here soon, he thought with worry. Arthur seemed just as anxious. They were meeting the others at Lance's apartment, but no lights were on that they could see through the window from the cab. Lancelot paid the cab. The three men went into the building and entered the apartment.

"Whose place is this?" Percy asked.

"Mine," Lancelot replied, grateful to be able to respond honestly for the first time.

"Really?" asked Percy. He was bending over something on a bookshelf in the small sitting room. Arthur looked over Percy's shoulder, with difficulty, and saw that he was looking at a picture. It was of Gwen and Lance at some park. They were laughing, and almost closer together than friends would be. Lancelot saw it too.

"Oh, that!" laughed Lancelot, covering up his anxiety. "We went there for Morgan's birthday three years ago. Arthur, do you remember?"

"How could I not?" said Arthur easily. Lancelot was impressed by his acting. Percy wasn't so sure about this story, but at least he had the decency not to say anything. Nothing, that is, until Gwaine hurtled inside the apartment and embraced him.

"Excuse me!" exclaimed Percy, pushing Gwaine away. "Who are you?" Gwaine nodded at Merlin, who walked forward to Percy. The giant man stepped away. Merlin stopped in his tracks.

"Are you Percy?" he asked. Percy hesitated, then nodded. "Great! Sorry about Gawain, but he, um, it's a dare. Morgan dared him to hug the first person he saw, no matter which of Lance's old school friends it was. Morgan, you owe Gawain 30 pounds."

"What the hell is going on here?" Percy asked. Lance didn't blame him. They were pretty suspicious. Obviously, Merlin knew what Percival could do when he set his mind to it, so he took wasted no time in pinning him in place using magic. It was enough.

"Gwaine?" asked Percival, staring at the man he had just pushed away. Merlin unfroze him. The friends embraced tightly, Gwaine's feet inches off the floor as he dangled in Percival's arms.

"Gwaine?" said Arthur, only just comprehending the appearance of his bravest knight.

"Arthur!" Gwaine cried. Soon the knights were all clapping each other on the shoulder and laughing with teary faces. Merlin too was lifted off his feet by Percival.

Morgana stood watching the merriment from the doorframe. She knew that she didn't deserve any of the love that was filling the room, but she didn't feel that she deserved such hate. Perhaps she did. Percival noticed her, and the revolt in his eyes made her wish that she had never been brought back.

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