Injury and Pain

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"Merlin? Arthur? Gwen?" Morgana called. Arthur rounded the corner, eating a bowl of porridge.

"Hawo, Morgwama!" he said through the food. She looked at him in disgust. He swallowed. "Did you call for me?"

"Yes," she said. She wished Merlin was here, but Arthur might understand. "You gave me a second chance, remember?"

"It's a bit hard to forget," he laughed.

"And you were willing to accept Mordred if he came back, weren't you?"

"What do you want, Morgana?" Arthur asked.

"Morgause," she burst out. "She wants another chance." Arthur opened his mouth to say something, but Morgana held up a hand to stop him. "I'm not asking you to welcome her into this house, or even ever see her again. Just let me spend time with her."

"Does she have magic?" he asked. Morgana shook her head. "Where is she?"

"Outside," Morgana admitted.

"Great!" said Arthur with enthusiasm Morgana didn't think him capable of mustering around Morgause. "Bring her in." Morgana stared. "Do you not want her to come in?" Arthur asked.

"I didn't think you would," she admitted. "But if you're sure . . ."

Instead of responding, Arthur walked past Morgana to the front door. He opened it and saw Morgause. "You, in," he ordered. Morgana saw that Morgause looked startled, but she came up the front steps anyway. The two women followed Arthur into the sitting room and sat on one of the sofas. Arthur sat on a chair facing them.

"How did you find us?" Arthur asked. Morgana hadn't thought about this, so she looked at Morgause expectantly. For a moment Morgause had nothing to say.

"I figured you'd want to be near Avalon," she said. "I was walking around the lake and I saw Morgana."

"Lucky," commented Arthur. Morgause feared that he would suspect, but at that moment, Elyan came in. He looked at Morgause as if he couldn't place from where he knew her. Suddenly he gasped.

"Morgause!" Elyan hissed. He turned to Arthur who was casually sitting but a few feet away. "It's Morgause!"

"Really? I hadn't noticed," Arthur said sarcastically. "I know she's here, I invited her in."

"Why?!" shouted Elyan. "Or have you forgotten the multiple attacks on Camelot led by Morgause? Have you forgotten all the good knights that died because of her? Have you forgotten that she corrupted your own sister into doing her will? What could she do now, if you invite her into our home?"

"I'll go," Morgause said. "I don't want to be an intrusion." Morgana wanted to tell her that it was alright, that she could stay, but she knew that wasn't true. She nodded to her sister.

"Perhaps that would be best. But we'll meet again, won't we?" Morgause smiled at her.

"Of course, dear sister. Will you show me out?" They rose and walked together to the door, out of earshot of the King and Elyan. "Meet me tomorrow at eleven, by the Eastern shore of the lake," Morgause said quietly. "Do you know the place?"

"Yes. Tomorrow," agreed Morgana.


Morgause was already waiting when Morgana arrived. She smiled when her sister approached, and moved to hug her. Morgana stepped back. It was a small movement, but Morgause noticed.

"I've apologized, Morgana. I meant it."

"I know. I'm sorry. I understand better than anyone how you feel, and yet I still find it hard to trust you." Morgause hid her anger at this statement, but Morgana was an expert at hiding anger. "I truly am sorry, Morgause. I will try. That much I promise."

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