The Once and Future King

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She felt a hand on her back and an impossible voice. "I forgive you."

Morgana stood up and whirled around. A face she never thought she would see again smiled down on her. Her brother stood as tall as ever, but more humbled than she had ever seen him. Behind him was another sight. The tower of Avalon was whole again, and a lake was quickly filling up the valley. It had come back with him.

"Arthur?" she breathed. His smiled radiated through the dark, and Morgana's worries fell away. She simply pulled her brother close and hugged him as if she could not let go. He returned the gesture just as fiercely. He whispered her name into her uncombed black hair. He also whispered the words she never thought would ever be said to her.

"I forgive you," he repeated. There were hundreds of things Morgana wanted to say now that she saw Arthur right in front of her, but his presence made her mind forget all that. Finally she found the strength to stand up on her own. She pushed gently away from Arthur and saw that his face was just as tear streaked as her own felt.

"How? How are you here, Arthur?" she asked, drinking in his face. He stroked her face gently.

"Because you are sorry," he said simply. She puzzled through what had happened.

"Saying your name brought back magic," she said. He nodded for her to go on. "Apologizing brought you back."

"No," he said, with something like admiration. "It brought you back."

"You mean - " she said, eyes widening. He smiled at her. Reaching deep inside herself, she searched for that spark. It was deeply buried, but she felt it grow inside of her. It burned, but in a good, comforting, familiar way. She didn't realized how much she had missed the magic until it filled her soul once again.

"Welcome back, my sister," said Arthur.


Merlin knew something was different even before he opened his eyes. He felt a presence he hadn't felt in a thousand years. If Morgana had somehow said something that gave her back her magic -

No, that would be impossible. That was what Merlin thought until he opened his eyes. Morgana was gone.

The rising sun shone through the window. Gwen was still fast asleep after waking up in the middle of the night, but Lancelot yawned and stretched beside Merlin. One flying arm hit Merlin's shoulder and pushed him off the mattress. Merlin grumbled, but he had more important things on his mind.

"Morgana?" he asked, but he knew even before he checked the rest of the apartment that she wouldn't be there. He certainly hadn't expected, however, her to walk into the flat, looking truly happy, more so than he had ever seen. Behind her was Arthur.

Merlin couldn't move. He had dreamed this moment for years, but this was so different than his visions. Arthur was laughing at something Morgana had said, and his face was bright. His smile made his blue eyes crinkle up and become almost unseen. His blond hair was tussled, but Merlin didn't care. Arthur met his eyes. For a moment, they stared at each other.

"Merlin!" exclaimed Arthur with joy. "I wasn't expecting to see you," he said with a pointed look at Morgana. She sneered, but nothing scrubbed the delight from her eyes. Merlin couldn't think of anything to say. He had no thought but Arthur. "What's wrong, Merlin? Aren't you happy to see me?" joked the king. Merlin could feel tears sting the backs of his eyes.

"You're back," he choked out. Impulsively, he stepped out to Arthur and only just kept himself from hugging his best friend. Arthur rolled his eyes and pulled Merlin into the hug himself. It was tighter and longer than they had ever embraced. Merlin felt he could stay there forever, but Arthur eventually released him and held his shoulders, looking him up and down. "I missed you," he managed to say. Arthur's joking face faded.

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