Uther's Tale

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Morgana couldn't sleep. Merlin went to sleep immediately, so she watched him across the fire for a little while. He looked so peaceful when he slept; far more peaceful than ever when he was awake. She wondered why he trusted her, and encouraged others to do so. Not for the first time, she asked herself why she trusted him. She hadn't asked him to sample her food since the ice cream several days ago.

It wasn't as if anything he'd done anything signifigant to prove himself. The only thing he'd done was defend Morgana against the judgement of others and comfort her after a nightmare. And he showed her kindness after Morgause's death. She hadn't really considered what she thought of him until now.

He was just - Merlin. She had known him for years. In the first few years of knowing him, he had been the one person she could trust. She didn't even realize it until she told him about her magic. She forgot his kindness when he poisoned her. Merlin had recently explained to her why he did what he did, and she regained her confidence in him. And him stabbing her she understood. That life had brought so much suffering just by living it. Death was better than what she had been in.

The one they call Emrys will walk in your shadow. He is your destiny and he is your doom. Ever since she heard that advice from the Cailleach, all she'd heard was that he was her doom. She never considered what him being her destiny might mean.

Merlin shifted a bit, bringing Morgana back to the present. He smacked his lips in his sleep. Morgana laughed softly. She found herself suddenly tired, so she laid down and let Merlin's soft breathing lull her to sleep.


Merlin and Morgana arrived back in Camelot just before noon. Merlin was about to rush up to the council chambers, but Morgana held him back.

"Wait," she hissed, dragging him behind a pillar where they couldn't be heard. "Ygraine is a witch; she might know these people! She might be friendly with them!"

"It's possible, but once she hears - "

"Merlin!" Morgana whispered exasperatedly. "That's not what I mean. I mean that she might be friends with the enemy; that Nimueh will ask her for help!" Merlin looked at Morgana in shock.

"Are you sure? I don't think Ygraine would do that," he said. Morgana looked at him with disbelief.

"I thought you only saw bad in people," she said. "Now suddenly you refuse to believe that anyone can betray loved ones? You've changed your tune." Merlin gave her a look. Morgana ignored it. "We can't tell her," she said. There must have been something in her voice that Merlin noticed, for he looked at her seriously.

"You really don't trust her?" he asked. Morgana shook her head. Merlin nodded at her. "I trust your instincts. But Arthur will want to tell her."

"I know," Morgana admitted. "But we can find a way around that, can't we? We can say ... that unneccesarily worrying the queen is a bad idea." Merlin raised his eyebrows at Morgana doubtfully.

"This is Arthur we're talking about. The crown prat. He will tell Ygraine; he'll feel obligated to, now that she is the mother he dreamed of." Morgana took a deep breath and raised her head proudly.

"There is a way to find Ygraine's true intentions," she started hesitantly. Merlin nodded for her to go on. "Uther."


Uther was hudled in the corner of his cell when Morgana decended into the dungeons. She motioned for the guards to leave, but they didn't budge.

"I am Prince Arthur's sister, you will do as I say!" she ordered, remembering the tone she had used to those who served her during her time as a lone witch. The guards looked at each other, and finally departed. Morgana approached the bars of the cell. It was the same one she had been held in for defying the very man who sat destroyed in it now.

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