The End

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Mordred ran along a wooded path. He burst out of the woods and ran, laughing, towards Camelot. Morgana followed him, laughing joyously. Mordred turned around and ran back to her.

"You can't keep up with me!" he exclaimed.

"No my little gazelle, I can't," she laughed.

"What's a gazelle?" Mordred asked, staring up at her with big, blue eyes. They were just like his father's. Morgana laughed again.

"It's like a stag," she tried to explain. "It's very fast." Mordred stared up at his mother in admiration.

"How do you know all these wonderful things?" he asked. Morgana knelt down in front of him and pushed his wild hair back from his face.

"I told you the story of the other world," she said. "Me in that world knew all sorts of interesting facts." Mordred giggled and grabbed her hand.

"Let's both be gazelles!" he said. Morgana ran with him to the gates of Camelot. Inside, Leon swooped Mordred up and set him back down gently. The knight knelt by the young boy.

"How's my favorite future knight?" he asked. Mordred laughed. All the knights were like uncles to Mordred.

Leon stood and smiled at Morgana. "It's good you got him out," he said. "Camelot is too small for a curious little kid."

"It wasn't me," Morgana said. "He wanted to see Aithusa. Nothing can stop this child when he wants something he can obtain himself! We didn't find her, but we still had fun." Leon smiled and departed. Mordred ran up the great stone steps to the palace. At the top, he barreled straight into a very pregnant Guinevere.

"Sorry Aunt Gwen," Mordred said. "I wasn't looking where I was going, so I ran into you. I hope you don't mind." Gwen laughed and stroked his curls.

"That's alright, Mordred! Have you seen your father?"

"No, I've been outside all morning," Mordred told her.

"Oh, I see," Gwen said. She smiled at Morgana. "Have you seen Merlin?"

"Not since this morning," she answered. Gwen sighed.

"He promised Ygraine that she could play with him, but I haven't found him. She'd be devastated." Arthur's mother had died shortly after Gwen discovered her pregnancy. The new king and queen had found it only fitting that their heir be named after the great queen.

"I'm here!" Merlin shouted, running up to them. He swooped Mordred up and held him on his hip. "I know, I'm sorry. Where's my little niece?" Gwen sighed at him.

"In her nursery, pouting."

"I'll be there at once," Merlin promised. He kissed Morgana on the cheek and ran up the steps, Mordred bouncing and giggling.

"Papa!" he said. "Why were you late?" Merlin ran down the hall, sparing a conspiratorial grin at his son. When they burst into the nursery, Gwaine was amusing 8-year-old Ygraine by balancing toys on his face. Or rather, trying to balance. Just as a particularly heavy one stayed in place, something made him collapse, rubbing his head.

"Merlin!" he exclaimed. "We were just talking about you! Where have you been?"

"Merlin!" Ygraine exclaimed, running into her uncle's knees. Merlin set Mordred down and looked at them both.

"I was late because I have a very special surprise," he said. Both children stared up at him with wide eyes, Mordred's blue, Ygraine's an almost perfect copy of Gwen's gentle brown. Merlin glanced at Gwaine, and he seemed just as excited as the children.

"Papa, tell us!" Mordred complained. Merlin grinned.

"I found something incredible. The knights are going to come with us on a little journey," Merlin said.

"We are?" Gwaine asked. Merlin nodded.

"Change for traveling," he told his son and niece. They dashed into their own rooms that connected to the nursery.


Percival helped the children down from their ponies. He was one of their favorite uncles. The knights that had come from the other world were all like uncles to the children. They were also Arthur's most trusted knights.

"This way," Merlin said, leading Morgana. She had no idea what he was leading them into. He entered a cave. Mordred shrunk back a little, so Lancelot picked him up and carried him in. Ygraine took after her father and went in without fear. Neither Arthur nor Gwen was there, but the little girl felt just as safe with the rest of her family, even if they weren't related.

The back of the cave was lit by the same light Merlin's cave in the other world had been. In a row on the back wall, carefully watched over by Aithusa, were dragon eggs.

The children and knights watched in wonder as Merlin began speaking a deep, strange language. "Eleuther," Merlin said. One of the eggs rattled, and the shell started to crack. A small, yellow dragon poked its head out and chirped at Merlin. He smiled and gently stroked its head.

"This is Eleuther," he said. Ygraine stared in wonder at the baby dragon. "Don't worry, he's quite safe," Merlin assured her. Then he began his chant again.

"Elpida," he said. Another egg shook and out hopped a dragon of pure black. Mordred stepped forward cautiously. Merlin smiled as his son extended his arm. Elpida sniffed it, and then extended her tiny tongue and licked Mordred's small fingers. He giggled.

"Panselinos," Merlin said after his dragon language. This dragon was as white as Aithusa. "Dasos," was the next. The tiny dragon had smooth, green scales. "Fotia," was the final egg. It was as red as the fire it was named for.

"You found more dragons," Morgana breathed, holding Merlin's hand. "Aithusa isn't alone."

"No, she isn't," Merlin smiled. "And we'll help them," he said to his wife. "You may not be a dragonlord, but you have a way with Aithusa that I have never seen."

Dasos tried out his wings, and managed to fly over to Lancelot. The knight caught him before he crashed. The cave was full of merriment, for they were safe. And they were a family.

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