(7) Memories

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I'm woken up at nine the next morning by my phone ringing, for once actually having gotten a good night's sleep. I guess the once-in-a-blue-moon good news yesterday helped my mind shut down enough; since then, I've hardly been able to keep the smile off my face.

It's Colin. Groaning, I accept the call and put my phone to my ear. "Yeah?" I answer groggily, pushing myself up so I'm leaning against the headboard.

"Hey, Scott, how're you holding up?" His voice is gentle and caring, and it kind of surprises me, considering I haven't gone into work for a week now. He's probably calling to tell me that all of my students have quit. He's going to drop the bomb any second now.

"I've been worse," I answer, catching myself smiling in the mirror across from the bed. "Sorry I haven't been there lately. I, uh,...well? It's been a rollercoaster this last week."

I can nearly picture Colin preparing to tell me that all my students have left, or that he's firing me, but he says something different. "I'm sorry about that, man. But, trust me, don't come back until you're really ready; take as much time as you need. For now, myself and another teacher are covering for you—and may I say you have some very talented students?"

I laugh. Easily. Feeling giddy. "Well, I'm going to take that as a compliment, and say thank you," I joke. Easily. Feeling giddy. "But, um, who's the other teacher? 'Cause I know you said Liz was out of town, and she's the only other one who does voice lessons besides you."

"Why, do you not trust my judgement?" Colin teases, and I let out a small laugh, though it quickly comes to a halt when he says his next statement. "No, just kidding. Uh, I asked one of the new teachers I hired last week. Avi Kaplan? Very nice guy, and he has amazing skills in his lower register. He actually reminds me of you, a little bit."

My whole body goes numb, and the giddiness I was feeling just seconds ago is replaced with dread. Something hard settles in my stomach, and I have to painfully swallow the rock in my throat.

"Oh," I say tensely, my voice monotonous. "That's cool." Colin says something else, but I don't listen to him; my mind starts to spin again. "Hey, Colin? Sorry, man, but I gotta go. Thanks for taking over for me, and, uh,...tell Avi thanks, too."

"Yeah, not a problem," Colin replies. "I'll see you around, Hoying. Hope you're doing okay."

I hang up, and throw my phone down on the bed beside me, pressing the heels of my hands into my eye sockets. My first bittersweet encounter was with Kevin, professional and familiar. My second was with Kirstie, heartbreaking and confusing. My third was with Mitch, heartwrenching and saddening. They were all different, yet for the same reason. My fourth encounter will be with Avi, for a completely different reason. Because we apparently work at the same music studio now.

While I'm catchin' up with post-comatose Mitch and amnestic Kirstie, and while Kevin's savin' their lives, Avi's coverin' for me at work.


Note the sarcasm.

I wonder if he realizes it. I wonder what his reaction was when he found out we work at the same place, which would have been a lot more shocking for him than for me. I wonder if I should go in to see him in person, to thank him myself, then to bring him to the hospital to see Kirstie and Mitch.

Why? I don't know. This whole thing is ironic, really. Because I was the one who broke up the band in the first place, and now I just-so happen to be the one unintentionally bringing it back together—or at least the people in it.

I quickly shower, and then head out, following last week's routine, except this time I stop at Starbucks to grab a coffee. Feeling nostalgic, thinking about how I used to go out and get two orders instead of one. Scott, that was forever ago, stop it.

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