(28) Stay With Me

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so i literally reworked the entire ending of this story because it was literally. so. bad. (i apologize to those who i sent this to after i took it down the first time... like, wow. yikes.)



On the first day of tour, I'm hanging out at my mom's house when I get a surprise visitor. By the look on Mom's face after the doorbell rings, I know she already knows who it is. (Flashback to Christmas.)

I press my lips together, and then push myself up off the couch and go into the foyer. Wordlessly, I gently push Olaf and Pascal back so I can open up the door. And standing there, in the flesh, is none other than Jeremy Lewis.

"Hi," I say quietly as I unlock the storm door, opening it to allow him to step inside. The puppies recognize him, and immediately start to jump up on him, licking him affectionately and seeking for pets; I don't have the heart to tell them to stop jumping.

I watch like a wallflower as Jeremy greets Olaf and Pascal, and then I'm shooing them out of the hallway. "Go see Grandma," I tell them. "If you're good, maybe she'll give you a treat."

As soon as they scramble off, I half wish I hadn't shooed them away. Because now Jeremy and I awkwardly stand in the foyer, unsure as to what we're supposed to say or do. I'm expecting him to talk first, considering he's the one who showed up at my house, but, as the silence pursues, I'm starting to think that maybe he wants me to say the first word.

Luckily, that isn't the case. He uncomfortably sticks his hands in his pockets, and then says to me, "So, you're playing your first show of tour tonight, huh?"

"Yeah," I reply, nodding, and then I inhale sharply. "We've been working nonstop lately, so now we're just,... like, spending some downtime at home before heading over to American Airlines."

He nods, too, and then asks, "When do you have to be at the arena? Didn't it used to be, like, one or two?"

"Yeah, one," I tell him. "We have VIP stuff at five, and then go on around eight-thirty. Well, ideally eight-forty-two, if I'm being specific, but..." I exhale, not wanting to accidentally start rambling. I have to remind myself that I used to spend every waking minute with this man,—and that I'm sure he hasn't forgotten all of my quirks and habits.

Jeremy nods thoughtfully, his eyes darting around the foyer for a couple of moments before finally landing on mine. "Well, it's only eleven now. Mind if we, uh, head outside and... talk a little bit, maybe?"

I don't know why, but the majority of me is screaming no. However, I tell that voice to shut up, and then answer quietly, "Sure." A small smile is on my lips, and I don't try very hard to hide it.

Jeremy, a relieved smile on his face, turns around to open up the storm door. I follow him outside, careful as to not spare a glance at Mom—who I'm sure has been intently listening to our entire attempt of a conversation from the family room.

"So, how have you been?" Jeremy asks me as we start to walk down the sidewalk, side by side. "And, like, I know you've been working a lot on the album and tour and stuff, but, like,... other than that."

"Um, well, there's really nothing other than that," I admit, keeping a steady gaze ahead of me. "Writing, arranging, recording, filming, planning, rehearsing, fitting, uh,..." I laugh nervously. "That's essentially been my life for the last five months straight."

Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Jeremy looking over at me and smiling, but I pretend I don't notice. I move my eyes to the ground, hoping he'll look away. Finally, he does, and the only sound that can be heard is our sandals crunching on the gravel underneath our feet.

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