(15) Damaged

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( AVI )

"Well, I think that's all we have time for for today," I say to Hannah, one of my many talented students. She's new here, just like I am, and so we're both still learning how the studio works, and what structure works best for lessons.

"Okay," she answers shyly, gathering together all of her sheet music to put back in her folder. I notice that her hands are shaking, and I make an attempt to try and ease her worries.

"You're doing great, Hannah," I tell her sincerely, gently placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "I know it can be nerve-wracking to sing in front of somebody you've never met before and to explore the depths of your voice. It's scary, but I bet that, if we watched your Before video right now, you'd be amazed at how much you've improved in just these last few weeks."

Hannah nods, not meeting my eyes. I haven't exactly figured her out yet; whenever she's not singing, she's so shy and so quiet I can barely hear her when—if—she speaks. But then she starts singing, and it's like she's entered an entire new realm. She has an amazing innate talent; I just wish she wasn't so scared of sharing it.

She finishes gathering the rest of her things, and then I walk with her out to the lobby, waving bye to her mom. They both smile at me, and then I turn back around to close up my office for the night. Scott is standing in Liz's doorway, talking, when I walk by.

He stops me. "Oh, Avi, sorry to bother you, but would you happen to have the harmony for, um, 'On My Way Home' by Pentatonix?"

I blink. Why would Scott want the harmony for that song? I guess it kind of surprises me, because I hadn't really thought of the band in a while—well, not until I found myself a job here and Scott Hoying just-so happened to re-enter my life, at least. But maybe this whole reunion between the five of us has resurrected the Pentatonix flame in him. And I guess maybe in me, too.

"Uh, yeah, I do," I say quietly. "Hang on, I'll go grab it." I return to my office, my heart beating fast as I shuffle through boxes and papers, trying to look for the sheet music. Going into this job, I had planned on staying incognito, and having no one find out who I really am; I assumed that Scott felt the same way. But is he trying to blow our cover now? If he does, I can only imagine what the reaction could be.

I find the music in one of the boxes, and then stare at for a moment, remembering when we first wrote this song, sang it, performed it. When our tour was named after it. When Mitch, Scott, and Kirstie would split up the venue to sing each of their parts. When we filmed a documentary, and named it after this song. I wonder if Scott just wants the harmony for himself, or if he needs it for a student. It wouldn't surprise me if it was the former.

Either way, I go back over to Liz's office, and hand Scott the music. "There you go," I say with a pained smile.

Scott nods in reply, and then I turn to go lock up my office, but Liz stops me. "Hey, Avi, are you doing anything tonight? I was just inviting Scott out for a couple of drinks, maybe. Didn't know if you wanted to join us."

I widen my eyes, and look at Scott, who's busying himself in intently reading the sheet music in front of him. Did he say yes? Did he agree to go? Last time he drank, it didn't end well. And the last couple of times we've crossed paths since the first, he's had this pained look on his face, and I can tell he still feels guilty over what happened.

Instead of trying to make anything too obvious, though, I smile and say, "Sure, Liz. That sounds like fun."

At my response, I can hear Scott let out a small sigh of relief, and then he digs into his back pocket for his phone. He hides the screen from me, but then says, "Oh, whoops. Sorry, guys, but my mom needs me for something. Maybe next time?"

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