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This is also from the initial sequel, Empty Promises (see Extras #1 for explanation). Chapter 32-when Wyatt returns (what?!?!😱) and Mitch's actually being alive is revealed... 😏 **unedited



The sun is almost completely set, and, over the house in front of me, I can see the orange and pink and purple clouds, standing out like a painting on the once-bright blue and cloud-filled sky. I remember a phrase that my mom would always say to me and my sisters whenever there was a gorgeous sunset on a hot summer day: "Red sky at night, sailor's delight." I instantly begin to feel nostalgic.

After a few more minutes of watching the sky,-which is now nearly blackened, the sun having fully set-I slowly turn around, and make my way up the small hill that my house sits on. The front door is unlocked, and I feel my stomach lurch when I notice one of the plaques that usually hangs on the wall is facedown on the hardwood.

Apprehensively pulling my lower lip into my mouth, I carefully crouch down, gingerly reaching my hands out to pick the plaque up-as if it's fragile, and it'll shatter even more if I touch it. Small pieces of glass clatter onto the floor after I lift it up, and I inhale sharply as I turn it around, Pentatonix's faces, cracks spider-webbed across them, smiling back up at me.

I focus on Kirstie's face, thinking about the fact that she's going to be a mother in just a few short months. To two little babies who are going to brighten her and Jeremy's lives, and hopefully they'll cast their magic spells on my life, too, to brighten it.

It's just so crazy how far we've all come.

I'm careful to not let my eyes brush over Mitch's broken face as I slowly bring the plaque down the hall and to the dining room. I gently set it on the table, and then make a mental note to text Jonathan later and ask him where I can get some replacement glass. He's probably going to kill me when he finds out.

I go to the supply closet in the bathroom, and grab a broom and dustpan. There isn't too much glass that fell on the floor, but there's enough that I can't just kick it all under the hallway table and call it done. Unfortunately.

As I'm crossing the living room to go back into the hallway, though, I notice a sudden movement from out front, even with the minimal lighting that the sun is still giving off. Because I'm nosy, I look out the window.

What I see on the front porch makes my heart drop and fly at the same time, my tear ducts reopen, and my stomach decide to have knot-typing contests with Landon's Boy Scout troop. My entire body goes slack. I drop the broom and dustpan, barely hearing them clatter to the floor.

Despite the fact that the front door is heavy, I can still hear the soft scratching and the hopeless meow through the silence of dusk in the house.

This can't be happening. No, Wyatt's been gone for... how many years now? Way too many to count. Way too many for him to have survived on his own. How is he here-now, of all times?

My hands slightly shaking, I make my way back over to the front door, gingerly sliding the deadbolt back, and then turning the doorknob. As soon as the door is open, I glance down at the little gray cat standing in the doorway, looking up at me with those bright yellow eyes; tears prick my own blue ones, as I collapse to my knees, picking Wyatt up and hugging him close to me, squeezing him as tightly as I can.

"Oh my God," I breathe, moving backwards to kick the door closed, so that the neighbors won't video this tearful moment. Wyatt meows and purrs in my arms, nuzzling his head into my neck as I press his body closer closer closer to my shoulder. I can already tell that he's been well-fed, that somebody probably found him all those years ago, and either adopted him or took care of him for a while.

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