(26) Sing

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It has now been about a week since Mitch's trip to Cedars-Sinai—and the four of us arguing with the doctors to help him. Mitch, being either drugged or asleep for the whole day, wasn't really helping to prove our case when he kept saying 'I'm fucked-up anyways, what's the point?'

Eventually, though, the head of the hospital agreed to prescribe Mitch some fancy, high-class medication that, so far, has been working perfectly. For once, he's been healthy for two weeks straight—and it's definitely taken some stress off of all our shoulders.

This morning, we're up bright and early and arriving at a studio at seven to get ready for the debut of our first single for the Pentatonix Reunion. We're also doing a mini-concert as well, part of something for one of the news stations here in L.A., but, per usual, it's going to be broadcast everywhere.

"Oh, you know, no pressure, you guys, but if you mess up, the whole world's gonna know about it," Mitch says in a mockingly deep voice as we get out of the limo in front of the studio, mimicking just about everybody we've encountered this morning.

Avi chuckles. "We'll be fine. Let's just think about how amazing this is." He gets to the door first, even in front of our security guy, and holds it open for all of us as we file inside, immediately greeted by the station's security and newscasters.

Quick introductions ensue, and then we're instructed to wait until Jonathan and Ben arrive, because they're stuck in traffic. While we're waiting, though, the camera crew insists on getting set up, and that "we're going live in a half hour; there's no time to wait for your manager!"

"Can he do this?" I whisper to Scott as we reluctantly follow one of the camera guys down a hallway. Scott just shrugs, though I know he's thinking the same thing as I am: No, he can't do this, and Jonathan is going to whoop his ass when he gets here.

We review where we're going to stand—which is the same as always: Avi, me, Scott, Mitch, and then Kevin—and then we run through a quick soundcheck. By the time we're done, we're live in five minutes, and Jonathan and Ben have just arrived.

"Holy shit, you guys, I'm so sorry," Jonathan says breathlessly, running down the hallway to meet us. "Thanks for waiting for me. We're on in five, aren't we?"

I instantly look over at Scott, knowing he'll know how to tell a very stressed Jonathan Kalter that we didn't, in fact, wait for him. Luckily, one of the sound guys starts talking instead.

"We apologize, Mr. Kalter, but there was no time to waste," he explains, stepping closer to our manager. "We've already run through positions and soundcheck, and..." He presses a hand to his headphones, nodding. "And now we need to get them out on stage."

Jonathan looks hurt for just a moment, but then he shakes it off, nodding. "Yes, of course. Alright, you five, it's show time." He now has a smile on his face, and I look over at Scott, slightly impressed; I was expecting him to get angry.

I'm shaking, afraid that I'm going to fall in these heels, while we walk down a hall with walls as windows. To my right, people are flocking the streets, enthusiastically screaming for us as they excitedly anticipate our comeback performance.

Mitch falls behind a little bit, and then offers his arm out to me; I take it gratefully. "Thought I was gonna see your pretty face take a fall," he says, nodding a thanks to one of the sound guys as we walk outside. He lets me get on-stage in front of him, the other three already up, and the fans couldn't possibly be screaming any louder.

A Twist of Fate SERIES (Pentatonix)Where stories live. Discover now