(17) This Christmas

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( AVI )

"So, you're like the hot shot at the music studio, then, right?" Esther asks with a small smirk on her face. "'Cause you can hit them low notes?"

I laugh, taking out a candle to set it in the menorah that Esther is placing in the window. It's always been a Kaplan family tradition to have the two of us set up the menorah, and this is really the first time we've actually talked in a while. These used-to-be-frequent-but-are-now-rare sibling moments make me feel nostalgic—especially when Esther starts to get all sarcastic.

"Yeah, I guess so," I reply.

"How big is the studio?" Esther asks, pulling out another candle from the box.

I shrug. "The building itself isn't all that big, but so many students take lessons there. Everything from voice to piano to violin to drums..." I shake my head fondly, taking out another candle. "I mean, there are four part-time voice teachers."

"Oh, that's right!" Esther exclaims, turning towards me with her hands clasped below her chin. "A little birdy told me you were seeing one of those voice teachers." I blush, which only adds to her fire. She reaches out and playfully pokes my shoulder with her finger. "Who is it?! I need the deets."

I laugh, busying myself with the wick of the candle in my hand. "Her name's Liz. She's been working at the studio for eight years now. She's insanely talented."

"Oo!" Esther exclaims like a total fangirl, clapping her hands, and I laugh at her.

"It's nothing big. We've only gone out a couple of times," I tell her, but she still doesn't drop it. Damn it, why is this girl so relentless?

"I know, I know." She rolls her eyes. "It's just exciting! My baby brother's finally getting all grown up." I roll my eyes, too, and then we finish setting up the menorah in silence.

"So," she says after it's sitting in the window and the empty cardboard box is back in the plastic storage container, "what about the other teachers, huh? Anything special about any of them?" She wiggles her eyebrows at me, and I'm curious as to how much this little birdy (whoever it is) told her.

I'm tempted to tell her about Scott, but I'm also genuinely worried for her reaction. She was super close to him—and, I mean, the whole band, too—back in the day, and it visibly broke her heart when we parted ways. But Esther's looking at me expectantly, so I just decide to tell her.

I sigh, then say, "Promise me you won't freak out?" She nods, although I'm not totally convinced. I sigh again, then hesitate before telling her, "Scott Hoying is one of the other teachers."

I'm not exactly sure how to read her expression, but it looks to be a mixture of happiness, confusion, disappointment, and sadness. "Scott Hoying...Pentatonix Scott Hoying?" Esther asks, her voice fragile. I nod. She gasps. "I...I can't believe that. After all these years...h-how?"

I shrug. "I don't know. He's been working there for the last five years, and I just happened to find a job there, too, after I left the old one."

Esther nods absentmindedly, the decorations suddenly insignificant and irrelevant. She grips the edge of the plastic storage container, then meets my eyes. "And you're...you're okay with this?"

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