(27) Can't Be Tamed

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hi so this chapter isn't legally correct, but for the sake of this story let's just pretend it is. ;)



"You guys did uh-mazing. Great job," Ben says to us as we exit the stage. He gives each of us a quick one-arm hug, and then we immediately climb into a Suburban to head back to RCA.

At the studio, Kirstie, Scott, Kevin, Avi, Esther, Jonathan, Ben, Ryan, and I all gather in Jonathan's office, our album blasting through the speakers as we celebrate. Sweets, fruit platters, chips, and champagne are all present, as well as laughter and conversations.

"You excited?" I ask Kirstie, joining her at the back of the office, where the food is all set up on a folding table. I grab a plastic cup and fill it with a handful of potato chips.

"Hell, yeah," Kirstie says with a content sigh, leaning against the table as she sips on some champagne. "I mean, how could I not be? Our album drops next week, we're going on tour in a month." She shakes her head in disbelief.

I do the same. "It's mind-blowing. I just... can't even believe this is happening again. Being up on that stage today, in front of all of those people..." I start to choke up, and Kirstie smiles sympathetically.

"You felt it, too, didn't you? It was like you were drunk on the sensation of doing what you love," she remarks, and I nod in agreement. "Like... you finally stopped trying to build the wall that separated this life and your old life; you let it come down, you let yourself smile for real, and you let yourself enjoy life again."

I pull my bottom lip in-between my teeth and stare at Kirstie for a moment, even though she's not looking at me. Her words run through my head, and I honestly couldn't agree with them anymore than I already do. I had been wallowing in my own self-pity for all these years, and I guess I had just convinced myself that I was the only one. I knew Kirstie was just as distraught as I was when Pentatonix broke up, but she's always been so positive that I guess I just assumed she would be okay and that she wouldn't let that negativity get to her.

And, yet, now, I stand here with that woman,—the most kindest and humblest woman I know—and she's telling me that she's been feeling exactly what little old depressed me had been feeling. I have to admit, my heart kind of breaks.

"I think we should make a toast!" I hear Ryan shout, and then he's standing up on the arm of the couch, holding out his cup. The conversations all die down, and Jonathan pauses the music. "For three reasons: 1) Pentatonix is back, baby!; 2) They just killed their debut performance!; and 3) Their new single is currently charting at Number One on the iTunes charts!"

Everybody starts cheering, and Kirstie and I turn to face each other, both of our mouths agape with surprise. While the rest of the room makes the toast, Kirstie and I hug excitedly.

"I can't fucking believe this," I say in utter disbelief. I back away from Kirstie, and then feel tears spring to my eyes when I see her already crying, tears running down her face and smudging her make-up.

"Oh, no! Don't cry!" Scott suddenly appears and wraps Kirstie in his arms. I notice that he's crying, too, though. "Did Mitchy insult you again?"

"Again?" I ask, my eyebrows raised, and Scott just smirks at me.

Kirstie sniffles, moving away from Scott's chest. "Oh, sorry, I got mascara all over your shirt," she says, licking her thumb, and then rubbing it on the mascara on Scott's shirt to try and get it off.

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