(21) Welcome to Cali

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I didn't actually sleep too well last night. For one, I was sweating; when it's sixty degrees outside, and you're lying on blankets in an even-hotter van, it's not necessarily the best sleeping conditions. I was also very uncomfortable, but made sure not to say anything about it, because I didn't want to make Avi anymore upset. But, mostly, I was worried about Scott and Mitch. Of course they can take care of themselves, I know that, but it's just my natural instinct to worry. And lying on the ground behind a service station on the side of the road could definitely raise some eyebrows.

When I fully wake up, though, I check my phone to see that it's around seven in the morning. With a sigh, I sit up, my body aching and my clothes sticking to my body. Gross. I really wish these service stations had showers. (Even though they'd probably be even more disgusting.)

I notice Kevin and Avi are still asleep, so I creep to the back of the van, and open up the back doors as quietly as I can. As soon as I'm out, I immediately look around for Scott and Mitch, and then spot them on the driver's side of the van, sitting up against it. My heart kind of swells when I notice Mitch's head is on Scott's shoulder, and Scott's head is on top of Mitch's.

I'm not sure if they're awake yet, but I tip-toe over to them, and then see Mitch's eyes flick up to meet mine. "Morning," he whispers as I sit down beside him.

"Morning," I reply. "How'd you sleep?"

"Not very well," he whispers in reply, shifting slightly, but careful to not wake Scott. I find myself smiling a little bit. "I can't feel my butt, like, at all. I don't even know how he managed to sleep. Kinda jealous."

I smile, looking down at my knees. "You know Avi was just stressed out, right? He doesn't actually, like, hate you or anything."

Mitch gives a small laugh. "Yeah, I know. It didn't really bother me all that much, sleeping out here. Aside, of course, from the fact that I didn't."

I exhale, untangling my hair, and letting it fall past my shoulders. Mitch watches me out of the corner of his eyes as I haphazardly rub my fingers through it, and then put it back up in a bun. I sigh again, slumping down a little bit. Scott's eyes suddenly open, and he sits up, Mitch doing the same.

"Damn, my neck is sore," Scott mumbles, rubbing it. "How long did we sleep like that?"

"Long enough that if we were still famous, the paparazzi would have a kick at us," Mitch replies, cracking his neck; he sighs in content. "Morning, Sleeping Beauty. Sleep well?"

Scott doesn't answer—it's like he didn't even hear Mitch—until, "Oh! You're talking to me!"

I laugh, and Mitch says, "Yes, I am, dummy. Kirstie may look like Sleeping Beauty, but she's not who I was referring to."

I blush and playfully swat his arm. "Right now, I look like Anna right before she wakes up." Both of them start laughing, but neither deny it. "But thank you for the compliment."

Momentarily, the driver's side door swings open, and Avi jumps out, looking over at the three of us, utter shock written all over his face—though I'm not sure what it's for.

"Oh my God, you guys actually slept out here all night," he says, but it's more of a statement than a question. He runs his hand through his hair. "Fuck! I didn't expect you guys to actually do that. God, I'm so sorry."

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