(24) Sweet Life

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"Nicole, I'm gonna need some touch-up on my concealer because my eyes just started watering like crazy," Mitch says with a small groan, walking back over to Nicole and I. He's holding a finger up to his eye to try and stop the moisture from spilling out and ruining his make-up.

Nicole clicks her tongue and then turns around, handing me the brush she was just using as she goes to check on Mitch. I glance over at them. "Don't tell me you're getting sick again," I warn.

"Your eyes are all red," Nicole mutters, reaching behind her to grab the concealer. "Did you have an allergic reaction to something, maybe?"

"No," Mitch replies, closing his eyes as Nicole reapplies the make-up. "I don't think so, at least. I'm probably getting sick again, though; it's been about two-and-a-half weeks now since last time."

I instantly feel my heart shatter a little more. I know for a fact that there's nothing we can do for him, but I still wish there was—and everyone else does, too. I haven't said this aloud, but I really don't know how we're going to be able to tour again when Mitch is sick once or twice each month. It would be different if they were just common colds, but they're usually not—the stomach bug, the flu, asthma attack, sinus infection, you name it.

After Nicole touches up Mitch's concealer, she finishes with my make-up, and then says, "Alright, you're all set. Excited to finally be showing the world the new and improved Pentatonix?"

"How could I not be?" I smile, pushing myself out of the chair. Nicole smiles back and gives me a thumbs up, and then I make my way down the short hallway towards one of the writing rooms, where Jonathan has professional camera crews setting up for the livestream taking place in just under ten minutes.

"So, we have about eight-and-a-half minutes until we go live," Kevin says as he walks over to me, "and no cue cards."

I chuckle, shaking my head. "Nope. It's supposed to be completely natural, but I literally have no idea what I'm going to say."

Kevin nods thoughtfully, and then an epiphanic expression crosses his face and his eyes go wide. "Oh! We need to start off with the 'hey' thing, like what we used to do at the end of all our videos!"

"Oh my gosh, that would be so cute!" Kirstie shouts, dashing over to Kevin and I excitedly. "And then I think Scott should, like, start talking and briefly explain what's been happening because that's what we used to do, too!"

"Just like old times," I remark, putting my arm around her shoulder blades. I pretend to act casual, but the thought of being the first to speak is making my insides twist into knots. We've been working nonstop on this new album for months now, and the fact that I'll be the one announcing it is both nervewracking and elating—because the fear of what if the world doesn't want this as much as we do? can't seem to stay away.

Jonathan then claps his hands and shouts, "Okay, guys! Five minutes to go! Let's finish getting ya'll set up!"

With a nervous smile my way, Kirstie begins to walk over towards the couch that sits against the wall a few feet away. We all get situated on it; Kirstie is to my left and Mitch is to my right on the top of it, while Avi and Kevin are beside each other on the cushions. Just like old times.

"Okay, so how exactly are we doing this?" Mitch asks, leaning over to look at me. "Because we can't just say 'thank you for watching the video' or something to that effect."

Jonathan pitches in. "Just essentially say something along the lines of, 'we disappeared for a while, but that gave us some time to think, and now we're back!'"

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