Chapter 5 : Our first moment part 1

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-sinb pov-

We are in the class right now hearing history about korea from Mrs Song. I can see that most of the students is bored as well as me. I am trying to keep my eyes open. I feel sleepy hearing worlds after worlds that come out from Mrs Song's mouth. How can she is talking non stop? Yerin who is sitting at my right side already puts her head on the table and her eyes almost completely close. 

"Hey! Yerin wake up!" I hit her head softly. "Can you not bothering me? Go bother umji over there. I'm sleepy"said yerin. I turn my head to look at umji who is sitting at my left side. Wow umji is totally focus on Mrs Song. Well she likes history after all not like me.

Then, yerin takes my textbook from me. "Yah! Give me back my textbook"I try to control my voice so that Mrs Song will not hears it. "I will not give it to you"yerin sticks her tongue out. "Yah! Give it back"I said. "No way... Umji catch!" Yerin throws my book to umji. I try to catch the book before it reach at umji. But then,before I can grab my book, Mrs Song calls me.

"Ahh sinb. What a good girl you are. Thank you for helping me. Thank you for volunteering yourself"said Mrs Song nicely to me. Eh what? Volunteering for what? "No,mrs song. I am not volunteering for anything."I try to explain to mrs song. But.. "Look! You put your hands up, don't you,sinb?"said Mrs Song. Then, I realise my position right now where I am standing up while put my hands up. Aish this is yerin's fault. I look around to find that my book is at umji's hand before I sit at my place back.

"Okay.. this is it for today. I will meet you guys in the next class. Jungkook and sinb don't forget to come to my office after the school end ,okay?" Mrs Song goes out from the class.

"Why I need to go to the Mrs Song's office? Yerin,what happen?"I ask yerin. "I don't know. You know that I am not focus at class."reply yerin. " you know what happen just now?" Umji just shakes her head. "Why don't you try asking jungkook? He is also need to go to Mrs Song's office,right?"said umji.

"No. I never talk to him before." "Don't worry. I will be here. Jungkook!"umji calls jungkook. Ehh what? Oh no. Yerin looks at me with her 'what happen' face. I just shake my head to let yerin know that I don't know anything. I look at jungkook who is now on his way to our place. Our eyes meet. Again.

"Yes?"aswered jungkook who is standing infront of us now. "Sinb wants to ask you something"said umji. I look at umji with my 'no way I will ask him' expression. Umji just looks at me with her 'just ask. It's not that hard,right?'. I sigh. "I want to ask you why we need to go to Mrs Song's office?" I ask him.

-Jungkook pov-

I am focus on Mrs Song's teaching. Even it boring but I want to have a good result. "The drama club will be busy with their competition. So,there is no one that will clean the school hall. Can I have at least two students to help me clean it up after the school today? Someone wants to volunteered?"asked Mrs Song. But there is no respond from the students. Then, Mrs Song looks at me. "Jungkook.. you do not has basketball practice today,right? Can you help me to clean the school hall?"asked Mrs Song. 

I feel bad for not accepting it. So, I just nod to her request. I guess I will go home late today. "Anyone else?"asked Mr Song again. I look around but the students just looks down. Suddenly... "Ahh sinb. What a good girls you are. Thank you for helping me. Thank you for volunteering yourself"said Mrs Song. What? Sinb? Sinb volunteers herself? I look at sinb who is just clueless. How cute. 

After a few minutes, Mrs Song's class finally end. Suddenly, someone calls me. I look around to find that umji is the one that called me while sinb is with her shock expression. I wake up and go to umji while secretly looks at sinb at umji's side.

"Yes?"I ask that after standing infront of them now. "Sinb wants to asks you something."said umji. Sinb wants to talk with me? Omg. Calm down jungkook. You have to act cool infront of her. "Why we need to go to Mrs Song's office?"asked sinb. She surely is clueless. She is not focus in class. This girl... I just smile at her and explain to her. Sinb thanked me after I have done with my explanation. "Meet you there,okay? And please focus in class, okay?"I said and go back to my place while sinb's face become red.

Well.. thank you for sinb who is not focus in class. I will be together with you after school end. I smile.

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