Chapter 4

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Astrid awoke when a droplet of water hit her on the cheek. Her head hurt and she reached up to her face only to see flecks of dried blood. Astrid, still groggy, felt something warm under her and when she slightly looked up she noticed that she was laying on Hiccup's chest. He was asleep with his back pressed against the small cave's wall while one of his hands was placed upon the hilt of his sword and the other was encircled around her waist.

There were flashes of last night coming back to her. The men who had barged into her room wanting to kill her. Jumping from the second storey window onto Hiccup when she had heard him shout. She had honestly never felt so relieved. Astrid remembered fleeing as the men rushed out of the tavern. One of those men had picked up a stone and hurled it at her. She guessed that it had hit her on the head because everything after that was a bit of a blur. She could however still remember Hiccup and her fleeing out of the town as angry villagers chased after them.

Astrid squirmed a bit to try to get some feeling back into her legs. This caused Hiccup to crack open an eye and yawn. "Morning your Highness." Hiccup said sleepily.

"You saved my life again." Astrid mumbled. "You might as well call me by my given name. You did last night."

"Alright...... Astrid." Hiccup said as he brought up his hand to inspect her head wound, causing her to flinch.

"What exactly happened last night?" Astrid asked as she rolled off of Hiccup who peeked out of the cave to see if the coast was clear.

"How much do you remember?" Hiccup asked as he then proceeded to help Astrid out of their hiding place and down the small hill.

"Honestly Hiccup, everything after fleeing an angry mob out for my blood is a bit of a blur. I think I remember a little about us finding this place to hide but not much else."

Hiccup nodded and it looked like he was internally debating on whether or not to tell Astrid. "You were rambling a bit and were fainting in and out of consciousness last night." Hiccup ultimately said.

"Hiccup what are you not telling me?" Astrid asked but then hissed a bit as she stepped on a jagged pebble. Astrid looked down to see that her shoes were missing and that her gown was torn in various places.

"Those Sons of half-trolls!!" Astrid mumbled as she took in the damage. She remembered some of the men managing to grab her or a piece of her clothing before she blasted them into the hall or ceiling. They had surprised her as she lay in her bed. Astrid then looked at Hiccup who was also sporting some scratches. "Hiccup where is your pack?"

"I had to leave it behind as we escaped." Hiccup told Astrid.

"I'm so sorry!" Astrid gasped. 'That was all of Hiccup's possessions' she thought and mentally blamed herself for getting him caught up in her mess. "I promise that I'll reimburse you. I owe you at least that for sticking your neck out for me."

"It's alright Astrid. It's not the first time that I had to part with my possessions. Now let's find some water to get you cleaned up." Hiccup said as he began to lead Astrid in a particular direction. "There should be a small stream nearby.

"You know this area well?" Astrid asked as she followed Hiccup.

"I usually travel between the northern Kingdoms searching for work. The last few years I ventured a little further southwards but never all the way to Forline."

"That is too bad." Astrid said sadly. "I'm sure you would love Forline. The southern Kingdoms have far more sights to see. The entire regions consist of tropical jungles which cover large mountains where dragons dwell."

"Dragons?" Hiccup asked Astrid as his brow rose.

"Yes, they like the warmth and make the mountains there their home." Astrid explained as they walked through the forest.

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