Chapter 15

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Astrid was at the end of her rope from working in the tavern and the short knight boasting about how he would capture her threw her over the edge. Her hand moved on its own but she certainly did not regret the action.

She silently grumbled but Hiccup and her had no choice. They were out of money. Three days ago Toothless had flown them as close as he could to the Prison of Sigisva but it was extremely well guarded. Hiccup suggested they find a place to stay until they had a plan to get inside the prison. They had reached this little village called Penca and Toothless went to hide nearby in the forest. The village was close to the prison which meant that many guards frequented the tavern.

Astrid noticed that she had lost her coin pouch most probably during her scuffle with Melissa and Camilla so she and Hiccup had only one choice left. They entered the tavern and Hiccup once again introduced her as Asta, his wife, and that they had lost their belongings to an unfortunate accident.

The owner of the tavern, an older woman named Solvig, was sympathetic and readily accepted Hiccup's offer of help in exchange for room and board. That was how Astrid ended up waiting tables for the last three days while ignoring the leering men and deflecting their attempts to spend time with them.

Hiccup at least solved the latter problem quickly by loudly calling her his wife the first night when he saw that she was having problems. That however did not stop the leers send her way as she navigated through the tables.

It was just another night when Astrid heard Solvig ask "Asta dear, could you take these mugs to the table in the corner?"

Astrid nodded and took the tray. She lifted an eyebrow and silently cursed when she saw who were seated at the table. It was those four who had come after Hiccup and her at the cottage. 'How did they even find us?' Astrid thought to herself as she steeled herself and approached. 'Hopefully they won't try anything in a crowded tavern' Astrid mentally prayed. Once she was near them she could see that three of the four had noticed her while the last one kept bragging about how she would be powerless to do anything once he captures her.

The slap she had given the short knight had left a red handprint on his cheek. The other members of his party simply groaned.

"What are you doing here!" The short knight yelled.

"I could ask you the same thing!" Astrid growled and muttered something unintelligible as she noticed that they had gathered a crowd.

"What is the Dark Queen doing serving drinks?!" Snotlout asked loudly and his friends along with Astrid facepalmed.

Fishlegs and the others were mentally calling Snotlout an idiot for alerting the entire tavern filled with knights while Astrid was seriously contemplating on turning the annoying knight into something slimy.

The knights at the other tables started muttering to each other. They looked at Astrid who had begun backing away and lunged. Astrid ducked and scrambled back to the bar. Hiccup who had heard the sound of wood breaking came through the back door of the tavern where he had been chopping wood to see a brawl in process.

"Not again" Hiccup muttered but retrieved his sword which he had placed under the counter. "Astrid!" Hiccup then called as he saw her duck and grab an axe which was mounted on the wall.

Astrid had had enough and charged into the fray with a war cry and an axe in one hand while her other sent out magical blasts.

Astrid did not care anymore. She ducked and dodged and knocked out those wanting to grab her while she made her way to the annoying knight who had outed her. She threw the axe in his direction when she got close enough, eliciting a yelp from him when it imbedded itself in the wall a mere inches from his ear.

Snotlout had yelped and stumbled backwards when an axe had whizzed past his head. He looked for the attacker and blanched when he saw the Dark Queen approach with a look that promised retribution.

"I don't think she's in a talking mood." Tuffnut stated which earned him a whack on the head.

"You think!" Ruffnut grumbled.

They saw the Queen fire a magical blast at Snotlout and where he once cowered now stood a lime green frog.

"I warned him that this would happen." Fishlegs muttered before scooping up the frog as he and the twins made a mad dash for the entrance.

Hiccup had also reached Astrid and pulled her towards the back door. The knights once they figured out that their quarry was escaping charged after the duo.

Hiccup and Astrid were running through the village and Astrid looked behind her to see the knights with swords and spears drawn chase after them.

Hiccup cursed as they were fleeing in the opposite direction of where Toothless had hidden himself and hoped that the dragon could get to them in time.

Hiccup pulled Astrid into the nearby forest in hopes of losing their pursuers but no such luck. The terrain was rocky so that slowed everyone down a bit.

Hiccup and Astrid now ran along a steep cliff along which a river flowed below.

"Hiccup where are we going?"

"There should be a bridge further away." Hiccup said. "If we can cross it then we'll be safer."

Astrid looked past Hiccup and let out a groan. "I don't think we're so lucky." She said and pointed to the rope bridge a bit further which was broken.

"A storm must have broken it recently." Hiccup stated and cursed quietly when he heard voices approaching.

"What now! We have nowhere to run." Astrid said as she started panicking.

She saw Hiccup look down the cliff and then back to her.

"Hiccup what-" Astrid said when Hiccup brought her close and kissed her on the lips, making her speechless. He then quickly picked her up bridal style and said "I'll hold them off. Find Toothless and hold your breath."

"Hold my-" Astrid questioned before Hiccup tossed her over the cliff.

Hiccup heard Astrid scream and then the splash before he turned to the approaching knights drawing their attention.  

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