Chapter 10

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Snotlout and the others stood stock still as they stared disbelievingly at the Queen, her companion, and the dragon wagging its tail.

"What in hell just happened?" Snotlout muttered as they watched the Queen approach the knight commander.

"Let's see. We were put under a spell, found the Queen, got attacked by chickens, ran away from a large party of Iliestian knights, saw a dragon being summoned, saw a dragon being bribed, and are now watching said dragon wagging its tail while acting cute." Tuffnut summed up which earned him an eyeroll from the others.

Meanwhile Astrid had approached the commander who while dazed had managed to sit up partially. He looked up and saw the shape the Dark Queen towering over him.

"Where are my knights?" Astrid asked as she glared at the commander.

"I don't know" The man said but was slammed back into the tree by Astrid's foot.

"Do not lie to me." Astrid hissed. "You mentioned my knights before and you shall tell me all you know."

"Screw you wench!" The commander wheezed as Astrid dealt him a blow to the face.

"Should we not stop her?" Fishlegs timidly asked.

"Stay out of it." Hiccup told the others. "This is her personal business."

"But......But... " Fishlegs was about to protest again when the sound of a slap rang through the clearing.

The others had all drawn their weapons as they would not tolerate someone being beaten like that when they were snatched up off of the ground by tree vines. Looking towards the Queen they saw that she had send her magic in their direction without even looking back.

"This is so humiliating." Snotlout muttered as he dangled upside down.

"Aahg" The commander shouted as Astrid let some of the magic she had left crackle over him. "I only know that they were taken to the Prison of Sigisva!" The commander finally said and Astrid stepped away from the quivering man.

"That's in Briningion." Hiccup mumbled. "Why would Thellonian knights bring them to another kingdom. It doesn't add up."

"It does if there were more people responsible for that ambush." Astrid stated. "The knights that followed me were only a small number compared to those who ambushed us."

"So Thellone and Briningion might have plotted this together." Hiccup stated as he looked pensive. "It's a known fact that those two kings have a not so pleasant relationship."

Astrid nodded and then passed the group heading for the two sisters who had begun to stir not so long ago. "We can leave once I take care of them, and Hiccup could you please put on your tunic?"

Hiccup through all the commotion had completely forgotten that he was shirtless. Looking around the clearing he spotted his tunic on the ground and hastily put it on much to the annoyance of Ruffnut who was not so subtly looking him over.

"Dark ones killing Dark ones. Who would have thought." Snotlout muttered as he swayed to and fro from the vine.

Astrid stopped then turned to Snotlout. "You seem to be mistaken. They are not Dark ones, and I never said anything about killing them."

"If they don't wield dark magic then what are they?" Fishlegs asked as curiosity took over.

"From the spells that they used, I would guess mid-level clerics." Astrid stated as she came to stand over the sisters.

"Clerics!" They all shouted looking wide-eyed.

"It's more like partial clerics." Astrid admitted as she saw Camilla's eyes widen. Melissa had scooted back and was trying to shield her sister.

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