Chapter 38

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"Stand down!" Astrid commanded to her knights who had drawn their swords at the apparent threat. The knights immediately obeyed and Astrid quickly approached the intruders. She crouched down near the cleric to get a better look at him.

"What happened?" she asked to those still bound by the chains.

"It's a long story." Snotlout stated.

"Then make it short." Astrid commanded while glaring at the group.

"Fishlegs was branded a traitor, someone killed the King, and I think we have an evil-savior." Ruffnut summed up and then looked the Queen right in the eyes. "Can you help him? I don't know what he did to get us here but it definitely wasn't a normal cleric's spell."

"I know what he used to get you all here and be grateful you are all in one piece. Honestly what the hell was he thinking." Astrid muttered before turning her attention back to the cleric. "Hiccup" Astrid called as she saw him look worriedly at the group.

"I'll see what I can do about those chains." Hiccup stated.

Astrid ordered some knights to carry the cleric to a room as she followed.

"I hope he will be alright." Tuffnut murmured as he watched them leave the room.

"I'm sure he will be." Hiccup tried to reassure the others. "The better question right now is how I'm going to get these chains off of you." Hiccup said as he noticed that the chains had stopped glowing.

"Can't you just call for a blacksmith?" Snotlout grumbled.

"I am a blacksmith." Hiccup countered. "And I have never seen this type of material before."

"So what are you going to do?" Snotlout now started to whine.

"I think we might have to turn up the heat a bit." Hiccup guessed as he called for Toothless and Stormfly.

"Wait what?!" Snotlout shrieked.

Meanwhile Astrid had her men lay Fishlegs down on a bed. She approached him and saw that he was conscious. "What were you even thinking?" Astrid muttered more to herself but Fishlegs still answered.

"I.....It w...was better t...than we w...would have." Fishlegs stammered as the pain continued to wrack his body.

Astrid stared at the cleric as magic filled the room. "Fishlegs was it." She said. "I suggest you grab onto something." Astrid began chanting and Fishlegs even in his pain induced haze recognized it as the one she had used on the sisters. Astrid grabbed a hold of Fishlegs' shoulders as she let her magic flow. Soon symbols started to glow around Fishlegs' arms and neck and he screamed. The symbols soon vanished as did the heavy magic that had been swirling in the room.

Astrid staggered back a few steps but managed to grip the bedpost for support. Fishlegs was heaving on the bed but he noticed that the pain was gone.

"Sleep." Astrid commanded. "You shall tell me your entire tale once you are better."

"What about my friends?" Fishlegs asked as he was slowly drifting off, the events of the day finally catching up to him.

"They are in capable hands." Astrid stated before she left the room, still staggering. Once outside the room she leaned against the wall to catch her breath.

Astrid then slowly walked back to the throne room. She quirked an eyebrow when she took in the scene. Hiccup was using Toothless and Stormfly to melt the chains and the small knight was yelling that his eyebrows had almost been singed off while those twins were saying that it was so awesome.

The chains were finally loose enough for those bound to slip out of them and the dragons started nuzzling Hiccup as a thank you. Hookfang was particularly happy as Hiccup gave him a scratch causing the dragon to purr.

"How are you doing that?" Snotlout suddenly asked. "He's usually a big grumpy dragon."

Upon hearing that Hookfang turned to his rider and set his pants on fire before going back to nuzzling Hiccup.

"AAAAHHH" Snotlout yelled as he tried to put out the fire. The twins did not even seem fazed by this.

"Is this a normal occurrence?" Hiccup asked as he watched the knight roll on the floor.

"Yes, pretty much." The male twin said. "He'll get the fire out...... eventually. I do not believe we ever have been formally introduced. Tuffnut Thornston, my sister Ruffnut, and of course Snotlout. Our dragons Hookfang, Meatlug, and Barf and Belch" Tuffnut said as he introduced them all.

Ruffnut was looking Hiccup up and down. "So handsome. Want to grab a mug of ale sometime?" She asked suggestively.

"Sorry, I'm actually spoken for." Hiccup stated and he saw Ruffnut smirk.

"So I'm guessing you and the Queen?" Ruffnut guessed.

"Yes." Hiccup confirmed.

"I knew it! I knew it!" Ruffnut now shouted as her brother handed over some silver coins.

"Wait you bet on that?!" Hiccup asked perplexed.

"I have a feeling those two bet on a lot." Astrid spoke up as she approached the group. A quirk of her lips told Hiccup that she found the entire thing amusing. With a flick of her hand she dowsed Snotlout with some water.

The twins had stopped their antics and had helped Snotlout up before they eagerly approached Astrid. "So how is Fishlegs?!" All three asked in unison.

"He will be fine after he gets some rest." Astrid stated and then let out a shocked gasp as the twins proceeded to hug her.

Snotlout tried to be smooth. "Thank you my magnificent, radiant flower, for saving our friend in-"

"Do I have to change you back into a frog?" Astrid asked pointedly causing Snotlout to snap his mouth shut while shaking his head quickly.

"Do not think that you are free." Astrid stated. "You entered my castle unannounced, you will relinquish your weapons, and you will be under guard until I hear the full story. You may roam the grounds but a guard shall always be present. There will be no leaving my castle until I am satisfied that this is not some sort of deception."

The trio turned around, making a circle. Ruffnut spoke first, "Is that fair?" They glanced at each other, putting their brains to work.

"Well, we did enter the castle through a portal." Snotlout stated, holding up a finger, "And we did kind of chase them across the kingdoms."

"Yes, but Frog-Lout." Tuffnut said, grinning, then noticed Ruffnut and Snotlout glaring at him. "Alright fine, we will follow her rules."

The three nodded before Astrid had them escorted to their rooms.

"Things just got a whole lot more interesting." Hiccup stated and Astrid could not help but agree.

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