Chapter 48

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The gathered guests watched Gobber tell them "You all go ahead." as he slung an arm over Hiccup and picked the little boy up. "I want ta spend some time with my former apprentice."

The royals paid little attention to them afterwards. Eret approached the group, dressed impeccably in his black armor, and stood at attention before bowing slightly. "Greetings honored guests, I am Sir Eret, Leader of the Shadow Corps, her Highness' personal guards. Her Highness regrets to inform you that she has been slightly detained by an important matter and shall join you as soon as she can. Please follow me to the throne room."

With that Eret turned around and began leading the group. But before they had even made their way inside one of the royals asked stiffly "What is keeping her Highness from seeing to her guests?"

Before Eret could even deign to give an answer a loud explosion was heard through the air. The visitors looked up to see black smoke coming out of one of the higher tower windows.

"I believe that is what her Highness is seeing to." Eret said curtly before he began walking once more.

"Wh..What was that?" Geir asked when no other knight paid the smoke any attention.

"Just the twins." Eret said as if it was an everyday occurrence, which it probably was knowing the twins. "Nothing to be worried about. They will not blow up the entire castle. At least I hope not."

Eret had to quickly hid a smirk as he noticed, from the corner of his eye, some of the nobles starting to look nervous.

Knights in black armor line the hallways and stood imposingly as the royals passed. Two knights saluted and opened the heavy doors to the throne room.

Several knights also stood guard within the throne room and the royals could see a blue and yellow dragon preening near the throne. The dragon cocked it's head to get a look at them as they entered but soon lost interest as it went back to preening.

"Do not mind Stormfly. She is her Highness' dragon." Eret said as several servants brought in refreshments. "Please enjoy yourselves. Her Highness shall join you in a moment." With that Eret closed the doors to the throne room leaving the royals to themselves.

The royals did as they did at any gathering; they gossiped.

"So Chief Dagur" one of the ladies spoke while gesturing to the preening Stormfly. "The stories that you have been telling about the dragons are true. They simply look like harmless pets here."

"They may look harmless." Dagur said but then warned "but do not threaten them or their riders. Then they will retaliate."

"I wonder what the Queen is like?" Asked a pompous man.

"You have never met her before?" Stoick now asked.

"Heavens no!" The man proclaimed shocked. "She is a Dark one. We tend to not associate with the sort. The only ones who see her are the rulers of our kingdoms during their meetings at Castow."

"So you mean to say that we have traveled all the way here to a country to ask for help from a ruler who you have shunned in society?!" Stoick bristled as he heard this. "You made it sound like you knew her well and that she would readily help us!"

"Why would she not help us?" Geir now commented in a superior tone. "Even if she is some magic user, she must be quaking in her heels from the oncoming threat. She is after all just a woman."

"Make no mistake." Heather now spoke up angrily. "She is not someone to be trifled with. I have seen what she can do and that was likely with only a small amount of magic. She will not bow down to your demands."

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