Chapter 22

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Many citizens stopped to stare as their Queen and her party progressed through the streets. They moved out of the way as Toothless, Stormfly and several dragons followed beside them. Whispers broke out from the crowd as they passed by.

"Is it always like this?" Hiccup whispered to Astrid who had put on a neutral expression.

"Yes, even without the dragons." Astrid said as they passed through the square. The knights flanking Hiccup and Astrid held a bemused expression which caused Hiccup to look at them questioningly.

"Things are never boring when her majesty is around." One of them explained.

"The people are most likely curious about the dragons and you." Another said.

"Me?" Hiccup asked as he cocked his head slightly to the left and took another look at the forming crowds.

"Oh yes you." The knight said. "It's not every day that they see their Queen traveling with a strange man. There will probably be rumors about you within the hour."

They continued their trek up to the castle when they were met with a party of knights along their way.

"Your Highness! Sir Eret!" One of the men exclaimed happily as they stopped to stand at attention. "There was a commotion in town and we were sent to investigate."

"As you were" Astrid said. "We were just heading back to the castle. This journey has made me weary."

"Of course your Highness. We shall escort you as well then."

Astrid smiled once they had reached the castle and couldn't help but chuckle as Hiccup let out a whistle of appreciation. The castle was made of black marble and it's towers stood tall in the sunlight. Forline's flag flew from each of those towers proudly. The entrance itself was not lavishly decorated but it stood imposingly with stone carved dragons leaning downwards menacingly.

"Hiccup can I ask you a question?" Astrid asked getting his attention.

"Well technically you just did." Hiccup stated which earned him an elbow in the stomach from Astrid. "What is it with you and violence?!"

"Now of all the times to be a smartass and it's not violence. It's communication." Astrid mumbled as Eret had to suppress a snort.

"Ask away milady." Hiccup said as he rubbed his stomach.

"I was wondering if you would consider making Forline, no, this castle your home." Astrid asked as she started to blush. This caused Hiccup to halt in his step and look at her wide-eyed.

"You're asking me to stay?" Hiccup asked to which Astrid nodded. "Astrid are you sure? I mean-" Hiccup started to stammer but Astrid interrupted him.

"Yes Hiccup. I'm sure. I would not ask if I was not. You will always be welcome here." Astrid stated as she leaned a bit closer.

"" Hiccup managed to get out as he got a bit red in the face from Astrid leaning in.

"Will you at least consider staying?" She asked to which Hiccup nodded.

Astrid mentally cheered. "You did not tell him that you like him." Eret whispers to her when Hiccup and Toothless were busy admiring a dragon sculpture of a regal looking Night Fury.

"He'll probably go in shock if I start proclaiming any love for him." Astrid whispered back.

"I knew it!" Eret exclaimed and covered his mouth when he said it to loud.

"Knew what?" Hiccup asked.

"Nothing! Nothing at all!" Eret stated much too quickly which caused Hiccup to lift a brow.

"........Okay" Was all Hiccup said as they reached the throne room.

Astrid used her magic to push open the heavy doors en upon entering she shouted "Drago what are you doing lounging upon my throne!!!"

The man, Drago, in question shot up from the black marble throne like it was on fire. "Your Highness!! I'm so happy to see you again!!" He exclaimed as he approached Astrid. He stopped however when he spotted Hiccup standing next to the Queen.

"Who is this?" Drago asked giving Hiccup a look over and decided that he was not impressed. "How dare you walk beside the Dark Queen like you were her equa-"

Astrid held up her hand effectively stopping Drago's rant. "Enough!" She said. "This is Hiccup. He saved my life countless of times and he will be staying with us from hence forth."

Drago still did not look very impressed but said nothing further of the matter. He gave a short stiff bow to Astrid while directing a small glare towards Hiccup. "As you can see, the kingdom is still thriving your Highness."

"Yes, you did your job as Regent well." Astrid said as she took a seat on her throne. "AH, it's good to be home."

She saw Hiccup glance out of the large windows overlooking the city. "Hiccup feel free to explore the castle and the city to your heart's content. I have some business that I need to take care of but I was wondering if you would like to join me for dinner."

"Of course I would Astrid." Hiccup said which caused Drago to start ranting again.

"How dare you call her Highness by her name!!" Drago shouted. "Have you no decorum!!"

"Drago, enough!" Astrid commanded in an icy tone which caused Drago to fall silent. "I have given Hiccup leave to call me by my first name." She said leaving no room for argument.

"O....Of course my Queen. Forgive me for assuming." Drago sputtered as he took a step back. Hiccup meanwhile nodded once towards Astrid and Eret before he and Toothless left the throne room.

Astrid then turned towards Drago "Now, fill me in on what I've missed while on my journey." She said, the icy tone not leaving her voice entirely as she had no idea why Drago reacted like that. He had never before.

"Of course your Highness." Drago said as he motioned for a scribe to get some papers. "There are a few things that require your attention. First to the East of here-"

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