Chapter 12

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AN: NightStormPhoenix your wish has been granted :3 I wouldn't leave you all hanging here for a week. XD  

Hiccup breathed out quietly as if to get his bearings before he started his story. "My story starts on Berk, where strength is valued more than brains. It was a cold winter's night when I was born into the Haddock clan."

"Haddock?" Astrid asked quietly. "Is that not the ruling clan of Berk?"

"Yes, my full name is Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the 3rd, and don't you dare laugh." Hiccup said playfully as he watched Astrid bite her lips. "Vikings give weird names to fend off trolls and other monsters."

"As I've said before. The Vikings on Berk value brawn more than brains and I was born early into the world. I was smaller than average and they did not believe I would survive the winter but because of my position as firstborn of the ruling clan they could not toss me into the ocean." Hiccup explained and he saw Astrid gasp.

"My father was build like a mountain and my mother was a skilled warrior while I grew up looking like a twig." Hiccup told Astrid while making gestures with his hands. "They saw me as a disappointment while growing up and I never received the love that they showed my younger brother."

"You have a brother?" Astrid asked. She had a feeling that there was much animosity between them when she noticed Hiccup's scowl.

"His name is Geir and he is two years younger than I." Hiccup muttered. "Unlike me, he is the perfect Viking son."

"My parents ignored me and so did much of the village, who thought me to be useless, except for the old blacksmith Gobber who became my mentor. I actually think of him more as a father because he basically did raise me." Hiccup chuckled and Astrid could hear the fondness in his voice.

"I'm assuming that is where you got your sassy attitude from?" She inquired.

"Oh milady you wound me." Hiccup said jokingly while holding a hand over his heart. "Most likely though. Gobber did teach me everything he knew."

"Merchants would come to our island peddling their wares and that was where I met Froda. She was a merchant's daughter and for once she did not treat me like I did not exist. We got along great and much to the dismay of my parents and the village, she decided to stay on Berk after we had been seeing each other romantically for two years." Hiccup let out a shaky breath as he now sadly looked at Astrid. "I really thought she was the one but I was mistaken."

Astrid feeling Hiccup's sadness went to sit next to him while laying a hand on his shoulder for comfort.

"We had a small cottage and were living happily or so I thought. I was going to propose to her but I first needed the materials to make a ring, so I started traveling to the neighboring islands to sell my wares so that I could save up to buy the white gold mineral to forge the ring."

Astrid was shocked for a moment. White gold was one of the most expensive minerals and any girl would have been lucky to receive such a ring.

"I had gone to Hysteria to finally purchase the mineral but I was gone for a week longer because of an unexpected storm. I wanted to surprise her but when I got back to Berk I was met with sympathetic and mocking stares from the villagers. I did not know what they were whispering about but when I got to the cottage I could find no trace of Froda. It was Gobber who approached me and he was hesitant to tell me what had happened."

Hiccup clenched his fists but did not stop the tale. "While I was gone, Stoick, my father proclaimed that my younger brother was to be the heir to the throne of Berk. Geir upon receiving the position got to choose the woman who he most wanted to marry."

"Hiccup he didn't?" Astrid mumbled.

"He did. He chose Froda." Hiccup said sadly. "But that's not the part that broke my heart. There was still a day before the ceremony, I had truly arrived in time, and Gobber knowing how much I loved her helped get me to the Great Hall where the pre-wedding feast was being held."

"Hiccup......" Astrid asked carefully as she saw tears begin to roll down Hiccup's cheeks.

"I entered the hall and everyone quieted. Geir and Froda were seated in the middle of the High table with my parents and her father beside them. I confronted Geir about his act and he then suggested that Froda make the choice herself."

"I had never wanted to punch my arrogant brother so much as when he chose Froda, but I was relieved when he said that he would give her a choice. Froda stood up and what happened next shocked me. She walked over to my brother and linked hands with him and then told me that she would rather choose him over me because he could offer her a better lifestyle."

"SHE WHAT!" Astrid exclaimed as she balled her fist.

Hiccup had hung his head down now. "I stood stock still in the hall as I was trying to process what she said to me. My brother looked smug, my parents looked uninterested, and the villagers with the exception of Gobber began laughing at me."

"Geir mocked me by saying that I was indeed useless and that the only reason I had a girl was because the heir had not been named yet. I stomped out of the Great Hall. Gobber followed after me but did not say anything. I headed for the cottage and packed my supplies before heading to the docks. Gobber was standing there near one of the boats and he hugged me and wished me a safe journey. He knew that I would not stay and I am glad I got to say goodbye to the one person who had been there for me."

"I set out to the mainland and began to wander through the various kingdoms." Hiccup explained and was surprised when Astrid pulled him into a hug.

"I am so sorry Hiccup. No one has to endure such betrayal." Astrid said not letting Hiccup go. "I just wish I was there to smack those Berkians upside the head. You aren't useless, you aren't a failure."

Hiccup did chuckle at the thought of the Berkians meeting Astrid. "You would probably have them running for the hills. They are deadly afraid of magic."

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