Chapter 51

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The castle ballroom was brightly lit the following night and decorated lavishly in silver and dark greens tones. The guests had entered and had gasped at the beautiful sight. Servants milled around the floor in the carrying trays containing goblets of wine for all.

The visitors soon spread around the ballroom and struck up conversations with the knights and other inhabitants of the castle who were also in attendance.

Fishlegs could be seen escorting Heather, who was dressed in a long silver gown with her hair done up in a bun, while her brother gave him the I-will-be-watching-you sign with his fingers which caused Fishlegs to audibly gulp.

Snotlout was linked arm in arm with Ruffnut who wore a dark green dress with long open sleeves. Tuffnut trailed behind his sister, dressed in an elegant tunic of the same dark green color with Chicken, who was wearing a white bow around her neck, under his arm.

Eret and Ellyn had come together and were both dressed impeccably. Eret and many of Astrid's guards had shed their black armor for the evening and wore tailored tunics courtesy of the castle seamstresses, who had apparently been dying to get them out of armor. Ellyn had also shed her armor in favor of a deep purple shoulderless dress.

Ryany and Cyne were near the table containing the food as Ryany tried to feed one of the Terrors which still continued to hang off of Cyne some grapes.

Eret observed the crowd and spotted several of the Vikings. Thuggory and his wife seemed to be conversing with Fishlegs and Heather, while Dagur was looking bored as he listened to some portly noble tell him a story. And then there were Hiccup's parents who seemed to be making quietly to each other.

Ellyn waved when she noticed Gobber, whom she had met at dinner, along with Pavo but scowled when Geir and Froda, looking very haughty, made their way over along with an entourage. Ellyn discreetly elbowed Eret to get his attention.

"Well greetings Sir Eret." Geir said as he stopped in front of the pair. "Who is this lovely lady you are escorting?"

"This is Ellyn she-"

Ruffnut interrupted before Eret could finish his answer. "There you guys are." Ruffnut said as she waved towards Eret and Ellyn.

"Sorry we are a little late." Eret apologized.

"It was entirely my fault." Ellyn said. "I had forgotten how hard it is to get chainmail to fit under a dress."

"Don't I know it. I had to get ready an hour earlier." Ruffnut exclaimed.

"Why would you wear chainmail under your dress?" Froda now asked curiously.

"Why would you not?" Ellyn asked aghast. "The job of a knight is never done."

"You are a knight?" One of the ladies behind Froda now questioned as she looked at Ellyn. "I thought you were a lady of high birth."

"I dare say I have never heard of a female knight." Another remarked.

"Knights are recruited on merit in this realm." Eret said stiffly. "Trust me when I say she is one of our finest sword fighters."

"I have noticed that there seems to be a lot of the common people also attending this ball." Froda observed.

"Of course. Her Highness invited them all." Eret said.

"But why?" Another noble asked as he walked over.

"Why not." Ellyn countered. "They are the people who worked long hours yesterday to make this ball possible on such short notice. Should they not also be able to enjoy the fruits of their labor?"

"I wonder if Hiccup would be here as well?" Froda asked as she curiously looked around the room.

"Hmmf" Geir huffed. "I doubt it. Why would anyone allow Useless to attend an affair like this."

"Hey take that back." Ruffnut growled.

"Yes, Hiccup is not useless." Ellyn defended as she sent Geir a scorching glare.

"He is ten times the man you are." Snotlout remarked as they started to draw a crowd.

"Chief Geir I sincerely advise you to watch what you say." Eret muttered to the man. "Hiccup is well respected here and there are many who would jump to defend his honor. Most of them are in this room."

"What honor?" Geir sneered. "My brother is nothing but a simple blacksmith and that is all he will ever be. That is all he is good for."

"You would be surprised." Eret said as a smirk graced his face while the music in the room stopped suddenly.

Meanwhile Hiccup, dressed in the finest black clothes, was nervously pacing behind the ballroom doors.

"Hiccup you will do fine. Relax." Astrid said as she laid a calming hand on his shoulder. "It looks like you would rather face a dragon the size of a mountain then this." She was dressed rather in a very seductive bare shouldered red ball gown with the sleeves not attached to the dress but held up by golden armbands. It was a deep scarlet red, accentuated with gold, and had a plunging neckline that would make many a man jealous. Astrid wore her hair loose and the crown she had worn on her coronation day stood proudly on her head.

"Milady, this will be the first function where I accompany you as your husband. What if I screw up, what if-"

Astrid proceeded to silence Hiccup with a passionate kiss. "Feeling better?"

"I could do with one more kiss." Hiccup said which caused Astrid to give him a swat to the chest while the two guards near the door laughed. Astrid gave him a kiss on the cheek before motioning the guards to signal the announcer.

"I do believe we have some people to make jealous." Astrid whispered in Hiccup's ear as she gestured to her new dress.

"Esteemed guests!" A knight said while standing at the bottom of a grand staircase. "May I present your host for this evening."

All eyes turned to the grand staircase where the guests were awaiting the queen's arrival. The knights on duty in the ballroom stood at attention.

"Her Majesty Queen Astrid Hofferson, escorted by her husband Hiccup Haddock." The knight announced as the doors above the staircase opened and the couple entered arm in arm.

Those of Forline cheered for their ruler while the guests, especially the Berkians, watched gob-smacked as Hiccup escorted the queen down the stairs.

The Berkians' mouths were moving but no sound came out as they watched the Queen and her 'husband' start to personally greet everybody.

Eret and the others looked smugly at Geir and Froda who just stood there openmouthed.

"Be careful Chief Geir." Eret said nonchalantly. "You would not want to catch any flies."

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