Die Alone

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The Crew hanged out on the town all day and when the night fell they decided to hit the closest bar they saw.

Peggy had already been gone by now, her dad told her to be home by sundown.

And well, even tho they were all underage and aren't supposed to drink they have contacts.

Even Alex was drinking his now fourth Whisky. He only wanted to drown on alcohol tonight.

It was actually really fun to watch his friends trying to sign while drunk.

"I MaY nOt LiVe To SeE oUr GlOrY!!" Lafayette started singing.

"BuT I'vE sEeN wOnDeRs GrEaT aNd SmAlL!" "Sang" Laurens, looking at Alex when he said the last part"

"aNd WhEn oUr ChIldReN tElL oUr StOrIeS" What children? We are all probably going to die alone. Alex thought.


Yeah, this was true fun for them.

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