The Slut-Shaming Club

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A/N: I made fanart for this chapter ayee! (Well, technically it's not fanart because I'm the one who made it but shhhh)


"John? Wait– no, shit. I– don't talk to me!"


"They'll start saying things 'bout you if they see you with me, I can't–"

"Hey, Alex, it's ok. I don't care if they say somethin' about me. Are you ok?"

", they're saying s–stuff about me. They're calling me–"

"Well if it isn't the attention whore" Someone, Martha Mannings to be more specific, said. "Be careful John, she might acuse you of sexual harassment too" 

"I don't know Martha, he probably helped her pull out the show. He's her lil' boytoy after all" Rachel Donelson sarcastically refuted.

"John's not my boytoy leave him out of thi–"

"You shut your mouth about Alex before I break it, Mannings"

"Threatening a girl Laurens? I never thought you were such an abuser, do you hit your sister too?"

"What!? I would never–"

"That explains why Alexandra is such an attention whore, she just wants a lil' bit of attention since her boyfriend mistreats her so badly"

"Woah, that's sad" Martha said with fake sadness.

"Yeah, that doesn't justify her bitchiness though"

The two boys saw incredulously as the girls on front of them made a story out of nothing but rumors and stupidity.

"Wha– That doesn't even make sense! John's not even my boyf–" Said boy grabbed his arm pulled him out to the back of the school before he could even refute the pair.

"Why are you bringing me here!?John you can't– they were calling you an abuser! I– no, I can't sink you down with me John I can't–"

"We are gonna stay here and calm down, it isn't worth it–"

"Of course it is!"

"Fighting them will only give them more bullshit to talk about and you know it. Relax a lil bit, ok Peach? Just breathe"

"John I–"

"Well if it isn't the school's new bitch, I can't believe you are already stealing our titles"

"Hey, it seems like she brought her boytoy with her, John wasn't it?"

They turned around to see two dark skinned, cocky looking girls. The taller one with a chubby body that made her seem intimidating but somehow soft at the same time. Her lips wore a scarlet red lipstick and her uniform skirt almost reached her ankles.

The second one was short haired and really thin. Her eyes held an energetic look on them and her uniform shirt was loose and with long sleeves, which was something he hadn't seen before. Under her short skirt she had black leggings covering her skinny legs.

They recognized them instantly, Maria Lewis and Sally Hemmings.

John sighed. "We are not looking for trouble, seriously.." Sally seemed to soften at the tired look on his face.

"Hey, we are just kidding, sorry we–"

"We don't believe the shit they say about you"

"..You don't?" Alex asked almost incredulously.

"No, it seems like you're just more victims of the Slut-Shaming Club"

"The what?"

"That's how we call ourselves" Sally explained. "Do you know why people hates us?"

"Well" The smaller one of the four shyly spoke. "They said that Maria had slept with Mr.Reynolds for good grades. A–And that Sally forced Jefferson to cheat on Martha with her. B–But those are just rumors I don't know–"

"It was them"


"Reynolds forced me to sleep with him, and told me that if I told anyone he would make sure I would lose the year"

"Jefferson was the one to force to sleep with him, he cheated on Martha because he wanted"

"I–I'm sorry"

"Now the question is, what happened to you?"

"I– um.."

"Mr.King tried to rape hi–her.." John answered for Alex, knowing he wouldn't be able to do so by himself

Maria hummed in agreement. "I supposed that was what happened.."

"So welcome to the Slut-Shaming Club!"

"You too pretty boy, I suppose you ain't having a good time either"

"I really don't care, I'm just worried about Lex"

"Awwww!" Sally squealed. "Young love is so beautiful!"

"W–We are not dating.."

The pair spent the next three hours sitting in the back of the school with Maria and Sally, braiding John's hair while he scrolled through Tumblr and listened to Maria's bad jokes and Sally's sweet laugh. They didn't understood why people hated and harassed them so much, they were the sweetest girls.

By the time they went back they were already halfway through their school day. Both of them tried to sneak into their respective classes, but unfortunately a teacher saw them on the halls in class hour.

It seemed like it was detention time again.

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