Attention Whore

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Alex ran to the girls bathroom (he would probably never go back to the boys bathroom from that hall, not again, not after what happened) and hid on the last bathroom stall. He just needed a moment to calm down a little.

He was probably just imagining things, because why would everyone look at him? It's absurd, he was just being paranoid after the King incident. Yeah, it's just paranoia. No one is looking at him. Why would they look at him anyways? He was just an ugly smartass with cool friends. Nobody likes him so why would they look at him? It was all in his head. It has to be. There is no other explanation it just has to–

His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by four voices who intruded into the bathroom.

"Why are we here again?" Theodosia Bartow, she has cheated on all of her boyfriends.

"Cause Beth wants to puke" Abigail Adams, homophobic bitch.

"Beth, bulimia is so 87, maybe you should see a doctor. All those bones will look ugly as fuck on you" Dolley Todd, works for the school newspaper and most of the things she writes are pure bullshit.

"Yeah? Maybe I should.." Elizabeth Monroe, likes to spread lies about everyone around school, they say her hair is so big because it's full of everyone's secrets.

"Hey, have you heard what happened to Alexandra?" Dolley asked.

"Klintberg? Yeah, I heard she'll drop out of school because of her pregnancy"

"Not that Alexandra, Beth. I'm talking about Hamilton"

"Ohh yeah" Abigail continued. "Poor Mr.King, he's now in jail unfairly because of that slut"


"Yeah, she was so looking for it. It wasn't King's fault" Theodosia agreed.

"Such an attention whore, she pulled all that show on purpose"

"And the supposed recording? That was all set up. I swear, Martha told me"

"I wish she was, like, really raped. That would show her a lesson"

"I know right!" Abigail laughed.

The bell rang and the girls left, leaving the bathroom smelling like puke and lies. Alex heard the bell but didn't move. He couldn't. He was paralyzed, tears flooded from his eyes without noticing and his body trembled and sweated.

All of this had to be a sick joke.


Two periods of class later Alex finally managed to calm down enough to move and luckily make it through the third period without having a mental breakdown. He walked shakily to his History class and sat down on a chair without looking who sat near. When the class started he noticed he was surrounded by the quartet of bitches. Theodosia sat on front of him, Dolley and Abigail on his left and right side, and Beth behind him. How did this happened? Alex prayed they wouldn't notice him.

Five minutes before class ended the teacher decided it would be a good idea to give them a few free minutes (Not now Mr.Jackson). The four girls turned to see him and he knew there was no escape from what was coming.

"You seemed nice at first you know Alexandra? Who would've thought you were so socially needy. Such an attention slut" Theodosia said with a wicked look on her face.

"Look, I don't–"

"Always seeking for attention in such stupid ways. Like that dumb uniform of yours"

"My uniform choice is not–"

"Excuses, excuses~" Dolley and Abigail sang.

"You should crawl back to the hole you came from and stop bothering people with your stupid drama, bitch"

Just when he was about to collapse the bell rang and he sprinted out of the class room in tears. Was this the price of wanting to have a little bit of happiness?

Attention Whore

Socially Needy



You should crawl back to the hole you came

Stop bothering people

Your stupid drama



He abruptly stoped running when he crashed against someone. He looked up to meet the face of the other person, that being John.


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