Pretty Recklessly

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"It wasn't that bad"

"Alexandra, you got into a fight with four other girls, broke the nose of two of them and the wrist of one—"

"In my defense, that happened when she fell to the ground" Alexander defended himself.

"Yes, after you punched her" The principal said with a sarcastic hint on his voice.

"Oh, right. That"

The man sighed tiredly, rubbing his forehead with his old fingers. "I'm gonna have to call your parents—"

"Please don't!" Alex quickly said, for once forgetting to specify that the Washingtons were not his parents. "I swear it will be the last time, please Mr.Monroe. Give me a chance, I swear, please"

He looked at him and sighed for what it felt like the hundredth time this evening. "Fine. But this better never happen again"

"Thank you Mr.Monroe, I promise it won't happen again!"

Or course, that was a lie. The next day he threw John Adams to a trashcan for calling him a slut. The next one he smacked Martha Manning in the face with a lunch tray and the day after that he (with Maria and Sally, of course) threw a cup of cold water in Mr.Reynolds' computer, though he never found out it was them who did it. And so the trouble continued.

Alexander didn't knew who was he becoming, but he was enjoying it.

His beloved John was yet to come to school, the small boy would visit him everyday after class but he never found out about Alexander's new 'adventures'. He didn't want him to, not anytime soon. Though he was having a good time with the new Alex, he was ashamed to be seen like that in front of John, who thought of him as his little angle. Maybe he was an angel, somewhere in the past, but not anymore.


"Stop! You're hurting me!" Theodosia whined as he grabbed a fistful of her hair.

"Oh really?" He said. "And weren't you the one hurting me a few days ago!? Calling me every name on the book for something that isn't my fault!?"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" The girl cried pathetically.


"Yes" She said hopeful.

"Well sorry doesn't cut it!" He yells, throwing her to the floor. He could do more, but he doesn't.

Of course, now all of them want forgiveness, but what about before? When he was just that shy girl on the corner? He just hopes that they are all watching his middle finger (and fist) rise because he isn't that shy girl anymore.


"Hey" He says to John when he finally manages to climb up his window to his room. He can see the human burrito John became slightly moving, his head popping out of the sea of blankets just seconds later.

"Hey babyboy" John says, his voice deep and raspy, he probably just woke up a few minutes ago.

And damn did that voice did things to Alexander.

He throws himself on John's bed, slipping under the covers and hugging the taller boy. Honestly Alexander couldn't care less about getting sick, he just wanted a little bit of love from his lovely boyfriend.

"How are you feelin'?" He asks.

"I'm getting better, hopefully I'll be able to go to school tomorrow or the day after" Well that's just great. "What did you do at school?" Aside from pulling at Theodosia's hair, low-key threaten Madison, and slapping the fuck out of Rachel Donelson? Just miss you.

"Not much, just hanging around with Maria and Sally" He answers instead.

John nods and gives him a sweet peck on the lips. Alexander grabs his face before John can pull away and deepens the kiss, slipping his tongue inside his boyfriend's mouth, tasting every inch of him he can.

Before he even knows it, Alex is straddling his waist, the kiss growing more heated and aggressive every second. When  he starts grinding on John's lap the freckled boy pulls away, panting and his lips swollen.

"Alex, wait. We should stop here before—"

"I don't wanna stop here John" He growls. "I want you goddamnit"

"We just started dating not long ago baby we should wait—" John tries to say.

"I don't want to wait!" The boy on top whines.

"I don't think we should—"

"Just take me before you do it by force!" He yells, regretting it seconds later.

"Alex.." The green-eyed boy whispers.

"I just want you to want me" Alexander murmurs, tears threatening to scape. "Don't you want me?"

John hugs the crying boy and pulls him close to his chest, cradling him lightly. "Of course I want you baby" He whispers. "But let's wait until you're really ready, okay?" Alexander nods and hides his tear stained face on John's shoulder.

"God, Alex, you've really been acting pretty recklessly lately"

"I know" He mumbles on his shirt.

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